26 January 2009

Elegant, Sustainable? Yes: My Table for Dining By Design

Well we do use what we have these days, don't we? It's a fiscal challenge to keep up with the very latest design trends. In post-Obama inauguration, I say do what you love with what you have. And do it with all your heart.

This amazing chandelier was made from found things. It graced an exquisite setting to the adoration of the critics. It did not cost much money, but it took time, energy and intense creativity to bring it to light.

Table for DIFFA's San Francisco Dining by Design:
Tresors de la Mer

Tresors de la Mer Chandelier Made
Entirely From Found Objects
{It's For Sale!}

Design concept? You are out to sea in your little boat and your anchor catches on something. It's this rusty old basket pulled out of the ocean and after the mermaid slithers out, you find it is filled with treasures like old mercury glass, silver, coral, shells and crystals. You have found Tresors de la Mer much to your delight!

It's was handful, this chandelier and tabletop. But it didn't cost the moon, and it treaded softly on the earth; every single component is a reused item, including the IKEA table underneath it all.

Table Settings Featuring Cloches Made From IKEA Bowls,
Vintage Limoges China, and Vintage Coral-Specked Wallpaper



Kit Golson Design

for elegant, sustainable and pragmatic

Chic Provence Interior Design


  1. Lovely table. I love how the table covering looks like sand. The chandelier is fab!

  2. Love your mermaid centerpiece. So artistic so do your chandelier.

    Greetings from a snowy Stockholm.

  3. I like the beach theme. I miss the Caribean!

  4. Hi Sherry, thanks so much...I found the vintage wallpaper for pennies at a salvage shop and it was perfect! The chandelier was really fun to design and make..it's an old rusty wire plant stand (we think!); we wired it for light, then filled it with old silver, mercury glass, shells, starfish, vintage ornaments, coral, odds and bits from the sea! It's still available for sale!


  5. Hi Ritchie welcome from Stockholm!! thanks, the mermaid was a fabulous find, all rusty and lying in such a langorous pose! She was perfect for the center of the table....and thanks on the chandelier!


  6. Hi Barbara

    I know, I miss the Gulf sometimes, too...warm water, warm sand..ah!!!


  7. Fabulous chandelier! Beautiful table...

  8. HI Mimi, thanks so much! (the chandelier is still available...perfect for by the sea, if you know anyone :)


  9. Stunning tablescape!! I LOVE the centerpiece. And the colors are so refreshing! Lovely! :-)


  10. Hi Life Laugh Latte (cool name!!) I will do just that, and thanks for your very kind comments!


  11. Hi Blondie's Journal (can't wait to visit your site too!) you are so kind to stop and comment...the project was a labor of love!



I would love to hear what you think! merci!