18 June 2009

You Can Take the Girl Out of the South...

I just can't help it. When it's sunny out (always the case here south of San Francisco:-), I love to hang the towels and bed linens out to dry. 

How green is that? Not to mention the very vintage Sheridan (remember them?) bedsheets circa 1990 that I am still using!

And, yes, that's wisteria and ivy, that's an old branch, there's an Easter Egg Tree tucked in there, that's trelliswork, those are picnic tables and a cake stand on one.

Just waiting for a new guest so I can hand him/her a mint julep and a mess of grits & grillades!


Kit Golson Design 

for elegant, sustainable and pragmatic

 Chic Provence Interior Design


  1. Kit~

    I love grits! As a Texan, I was raised on them. I'll be right overt!!!

  2. I know, aren't they fabulous? I mean really honeychile! thanks Denny

  3. Thanks Corine, and I love your blog! I'll be right over!


I would love to hear what you think! merci!