16 August 2009

Our Love is {Sphere} to Stay!

Adults spend an astonishing nine hours per day looking at rectangular screens: computer, TV, iPhone, blackberry (aren't I this very minute looking intently at my Mac screen, scrutinizing every word and pixel, in a rush to get this post done before the season premiere of Mad Men?).

And, as a designer, I spend an extravagant amount of time concerned with rectangles: graph paper, doors, windows, floorplans, tiles, floors, picture frames, rugs, cabinets, countertops....on and on the list of angular items grows. And it seems the younger and hipper the client, the more straight lines there are.

The Artist Model Keeps Two of Artefact's Wire Spheres Company

Is it any wonder then, that where ever I go, I see spheres? O happy sight! Roundness, curves that are so curvy they meet themselves again in an eternal embrace! No angles to square? Relief!

Out scouting design ideas yesterday, I fell hard for spheres. The antidote to too many angles in our worlds.

Starfish-Covered Spheres on French Deco Club Chairs

Mossy Green Spheres in an Old French Urn for the Garden

Big Statement Spheres From Reclaimed Wood

A Spiky Little Guy Adds Oceanic Interest

Galileo Might Have Liked the Way These Spheres are Shaping Up

We Can Only Wonder What The Buddha Is Thinking About This Big Red Sphere

Rustic Sphere

Waterballs...Reclaimed From New England
Water Filtering Plant in Last Century..
Beloved by Designers Everywhere

Stunning Wire Sphere Crafted by Dave Allen at Artefact

A Tower 'o Balls 12 feet Tall...
Just In Case You Miss the Point

Equal Time to the Rosary, Since Buddha is Pictured Above!

A Tactile Soft Sphere

Small Delicate Orb Spheres in Blown Glass

Contemporary Chandelier in Crystal Daisies, A Diaphanous Sphere

Sources for These Spheres Click on the Store Names Below:

Artefact Design & Salvage, at Cornerstone in Sonoma, California

Extremely creative and talented team of David Allen and Wade Hines for very cool furnishings from repurposed items

Zipper, at Cornerstone in Sonoma, California

HIp and chic, not to be missed!

Chateau Sonoma, just off the Square in Sonoma, California

Well, if you can't make it to France anytime soon, just drop by toute de suite!


Kit Golson Design

for elegant, sustainable and pragmatic

Chic Provence Interior Design


  1. I love round ! I've been collecting vintage globes to offset all the rectangular-squarey-features in our home.

  2. Hey Denny, send pics, I love round too! It is amazing how necessary it is to our well-being to have a place for our eyes to rest in our homes. Outside, ok, we have clouds, nature. But so many interiors are squared off and angled...relief is needed!

  3. Thanks for making me think "outside the box", Kit!

  4. Ha Melanie! just as you get me to think "outside the ketchup bottle"! LOL
    how are you?

  5. When it comes to design, our natural affinity is to curves and round shapes. I think it's just to step outside of boxes and squares and appreciate true beauty.


  6. Hi Nicolette! yes thanks for stopping by. Round is good and so many don't realize we need that balance in our visual/tactile worlds...it has a subliminal effect on our psyches to be always surrounded by sharp lines, angles and squares without the relief of roundness/curves...it is stressful. Great to hear from you, and I am really liking some of your furniture. Everyone should check out her site!


I would love to hear what you think! merci!