01 September 2009

Denny Holland's Book: Fifty Birds in Fifty Days

My friend Denny Holland, the talented and witty artist and designer (is there anything he can't do well?) has published a book chronicling his personal challenge to paint a {really beautiful} bird every day for fifty days. Below are some of his bird paintings...aren't they beautiful! I can see a collection of six or nine of these framed over a sofa or in a dining room.

Paint-by-Number Budgie by Denny Holland

Green Heron by Denny Holland

Ruby-Throated Hummingbird by Denny Holland

Bantam Rooster by Denny Holland

If you missed the show, you can get the book containing each of the gorgeous paintings. After you have devoured the book, be sure to go over to his studio to see all his work here. You can still buy some of the bird paintings, and you might want to buy some of his other art. I know I do!

Photo book


Kit Golson Design

for elegant, sustainable and pragmatic

Chic Provence Interior Design


  1. Hey Kit~ You've promoted me better than myself! Thanks for the honored spot on your blog! I owe you another lunch-ha ha!!

  2. I gotta work hard to get a little lunch around here!! haha!

    It's all true! Good luck with the book. Sherry Joyce said to tell you hello and she LOVES your paintings!

    As do most who see them...please keep posting your paintings.

  3. Lovely-I just checked out the website-love the painted door with the bird and clouds and the ghost chair with it.

  4. HI Style Redux2, thanks so much! Denny is great artist. I love that one too.

    Thanks for stopping by!

  5. A true artist, and each bird is a great piece of art. Must be an amazing book.


  6. thanks for stopping by Nicolette, yes he's a terrific artist....I like the 'tude of the rooster, and the wit of the paint-by-number budgie!

    Love the wenge wood entertainment center on your link! I could have used something just like that a little while ago...!


I would love to hear what you think! merci!