07 October 2009

Hello Girlfriends...You Might Like It Here!

You know, I don't know, it's just a feeling....I could be wrong,
but I'm guessing...women live here, right?

all photos courtesy Harlequin


Kit Golson Design

for elegant, sustainable and pragmatic

Chic Provence Interior Design


  1. so pretty.. i am a clean white bedroom person myself but these are lovely... did you talk to kimber?

  2. thanks, aren't these rooms flower-y? And, yes, thanks Kimber gave me the listing, the house is probably one of the most wonderful I've seen! I sent my friends her agent's contact...keeping fingers crossed!

  3. So lovely and feminine, but fresh and modern. I love the statement by Charlotte Moss that the woman should make the bedroom as feminine as she wants, because it is her room and she invites the man in.

  4. I like that quote....so maybe these rooms are inhabited by "deux" after all! They are unmistakenly undoubtedly very very feminine!

  5. Oh, girlfriend!!!!!! I LOVE it here.....you won my heart! Have a wonderful weekend! blessings...lylah

    ps...had to link back to you!

  6. It's absolutely gorgeous!! I'm loving that pink mid-century chair!

  7. Lylah thanks so much for the visit, sweet comment and link back...I love La Maison et Le Jardin!!

  8. Hi Wende, me too! I think that room is my favorite, thanks for stopping by!

  9. Girlfriends only? Hey, I thought those were photos of my bedroo cave!

    Have a good weekend, Kit!


  10. My message came out partially missing...
    I thought those were photos of my bedroom!
    Next time maybe feature a man cave for the rest of us? haha!

  11. Hey Denny! stay tuned for the man cave! have a great weekend, we are off to Bear Valley to the little cabin in the woods!

  12. OOOOOh la la... LOVE EVERYTHING... I feel painting inspiration coming on!!!

  13. Hello Kit,
    I was looking for some information about tadelakt when I came across your blog. Wonderful blog.
    I am Dutch and have lived in the South of France for 7 years now. I also love art and interior decoration, love to visit the 'brocantes', but I just wonder where those French people are that you describe in "why chic provence". I would love to meet them!

  14. Hi Fifi! Paint away my dear! and let us see pics when you do...Thanks so much for visiting and your lovely comment is most appreciated!

  15. Hi Karin, yes you are so very lucky to live in this part of the world! I will be featuring some of those chic provence people/places in coming blogs...meantime email me if you have specific questions, I would love to chat with you! Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  16. Love these rooms...I could see myself waking in one of them everyday

  17. HI Lisa! I know, and I think the white floors have a lot to do with why these are so gorgeous too! thanks for stopping by!


I would love to hear what you think! merci!