07 November 2009

Feeding The Gypsy {King}* in Your Soul...

Sometimes....especially now when the darkness falls sooner and stays longer and the economic recovery is so not happening....you just want to take a little journey to somewhere simple and unaware of its sense of place.

Maybe you long to wander the highways and byways along the Mediterranean Coast again, pan bagnat in knapsack, exploring and hiking the wild, dusty hills and rocks along the sea, sleeping and eating at the first gite you find. You are in Gipsy Kings country (* Listen here to The Gipsy Kings), the cote sauvage of the sunny Mediterranean Sea.

Handprinted Linens by Idarica Gazzoni

When you arrive at your rustic lodgings, you are sure to find simple curtains like these drifting on the breezes there. You'll dress behind an old screen, you'll have un cafe et un petit dejeuner at an old table like this one. You'll walk on old, old tomettes (hexagonal tiles) on the uneven floor. You'll rest your head on pillows like these.

Sleeping in the sea air, you will rest well from your rambling and awake with the new dawn. With only your legs to carry you, you get an early start on the day after your strong coffee. The vistas await you.

Les Iles Sauvage in Corsica, France

Gypsy-Inspired Sofa and Pillows from Caravane

Gorgeous Pillows from Caravane

Colorful Beds & Bedding, Perfect for Coastal Hideaway, from Caravane

Your Gites on the Rugged Mediterranean Sea Coast

Tile Design and Room Design Above by Idarica Gazzoni

Antique Screen and Adorable Table Courtesy of

Tomettes on the Floor, Courtesy of Cote Sud

Your Idyllic Mediterranean Picnic Site

Your Knapsack, to Hold Your Pan Bagnat, from Caravane

Pan Bagnat ("Bathed Bread") Best Enjoyed With Glass of Chilled Bandol
Overlooking the Sea

Get the recipe at The New York Times



Kit Golson Design

for elegant, sustainable and pragmatic

Chic Provence Interior Design


  1. Kit~

    I'm enjoying your blog so much!

  2. Hey Denny! be sure to go to the radio station, you can listen all day for free to the Gipsy Kings...good company for our work! Thanks for the kind comment...;-)

  3. Love the new picture of you Kit!

  4. Hi Diane, thanks! Chris was trying out his new lens, and voila! a picture! Thanks for stopping by!

  5. I'm ready! allons!

  6. Hi Marianne (lovely name, it's my mother's name too!)....yes, let's go soon and find our spot by the sea! thanks for stopping by!

  7. Great new photo of you and a lovely post.

  8. HI Beth, thanks so much! I've been really enjoying Chinoiserie Chic...I bought some cool stuff at the flea market I want to show you...stay tuned!

  9. Hi Kit,

    I so enjoyed galavanting through all of these lovely places and seeing all of these images in this post. Corsica is on my list of must do's for next year. Thanks for stopping by and introducing yourself. To answer your ?, my home base is in Santa Barbara but I maintain an apartment in NYC (West Village) and in Paris (Marais). It all sounds rather glamorous, but it is really far more down to earth as my daughters go to university in these locations. Their father and I decided to make the most of it by getting them large apartments so that we can go back and forth and avoid huge hotel bills. Turns out that both girls have stayed over the summers and worked so the apartment decision was a good one. My work is freelance so I find myself spending more and more time in these amazing cities. You have a wonderful blog--I shall return.


  10. Hello Jermaine! thanks for stopping by Chic Provence...and you are indeed lucky to have a little foothold in Paris...oohlala! then head for the south, cross the sea to Corsica, heaven! I love your blog too and welcome you back here anytime! Kit

  11. Love the gypsy spirit. Caravane is a lourge source of inspiration

  12. Hi Melanie! thanks so much for stopping by! Yes isn't Caravane amazing? I love their whole line. Milles mercies!

  13. This is the real me, I love it!

  14. Oh, now I really want to read the book that Susan spoke about at book club.


I would love to hear what you think! merci!