13 November 2009

Have a Happy {Chiner} Weekend & Look What I Found!

chiner, fr. {chee-ner'} : to root around in the brocantes (flea markets) looking for stuff
chineur, fr. {chee-nur'} : one who spends their free weekend hours rooting around in brocantes

Now that we know who we are, look what I found last weekend at the local fleas!

If you have any great ideas of how I can use this great stuff, let me know (Beth @ Chinoiserie Chic, are you listening?)

my little treasure trove from last weekend's "chineur"-ing

antique Chinese shawl--yes those are little silver balls
sewn into the design!

I kind of like this cool globe of pressed glass

my very adorable red Buddha from the 1920's

even the little blue lantern has a certain "chinoiserie" cache

the proud peacock on one of the metal panels I found

somehow I let these adorable dauphines get away

ditto the coral print from 1910

Hope these inspire you to get out there and support your local thrift stores, consignment shops, flea markets....remember it's a very green and sustainable way to shop!

For fun in the Bay Area this weekend, be sure to visit my friends at Afterwards in Menlo Park. They have a holiday celebration going on Saturday all day long, stop in for a bit of cheer. You will be amazed at their wonderful stuff!

And my favorite flea market, the Alemany Flea, is on every Sunday at the intersection of 101 and 280.

Have a great time!



Kit Golson Design

for elegant, sustainable and pragmatic

Chic Provence Interior Design


  1. They are all lovely but my favorite is the coral print. A bientot,

  2. Kit, You have a great eye!!! I love everything you have found, wonderful accent pieces. The glass globe would look great lit. I have found something similar. I took a block of wood, cut a hole in the top and one from the side,so that they intersect. Then I used a small night lite with a clip on it and put it through the hole on the side of the wood block. That way the light can come up from the inside of the base and lite the globe. I use it an accent lamp in a book shelf. The globe you have with its wonderful texture, will cast interesting shadows. A night lite, would be just enough light, to be able to see the lovely texture of the glass.

  3. I also wanted to say the Buddha from the 20's is a real treasure.

  4. Yes, Beth of Chinoiserie Chic is listening. What fabulous finds-I'm going shopping with you! I think you could make a lovely vignette on a side table or chest with the peacock panel hung low or leaning against the wall, the wonderful red Buddha, and the little blue lantern. Love it all!

  5. HI Sam, I love that coral print, and if it's still there at the next flea market, I won't let it go again!

  6. Hi Anonymous, what a great idea for the globe...softly glowing. And I agree, that little Buddha is wonderful. I had been looking for the perfect Buddha (what he would think of that concept, I do not know!) and this is it! Thanks for stopping by with your comments. You are welcome anytime!

  7. Hi Chinoiserie Chic! I knew you would have some great ideas! Yes we must shop together because I love the things you post about too...fabulous! Thanks for the visit!

  8. I like chinoiserie. I don't have any ideas what you can do with them but it is lovely

  9. Great visuals here. Love it. Kudos!
    :-) Michael

  10. Thanks, Michael, for the "spicy" comment! :-)

  11. Hi Melanie, I know, this stuff is lovely, but now my challenge is a gorgeous way to use it all....I have some ideas I'm working on!

    a bientot!


I would love to hear what you think! merci!