17 December 2009

If Santa Was a Woman....

.....we would all find one of these under the Christmas tree!:

{Kelly Bag in Playful Pattern}

From here:

Or we might find one of these:

{Incredible Hermes Silk Scarf}

Or even one of these:

{An Hermes Watercolor Set!}

With it all, we'd wear one of these:
Or these:
{Bracelets With Lots of Jingle While We Browse}

{The Wings of Hermes}

{The Entertaining Portal of Hermes.com...
You'll Get Lost for Hours!}


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Kit Golson Design

for elegant, sustainable and pragmatic

Chic Provence Interior Design


  1. Bonjour! I'll take the Hermès watercolour set...and the Kelly (though I'd prefer rouge), but this fun pattern is just fine! Hope you're ready for the big day.
    Have a fabulous weekend!

  2. Bonjour Bonjour! I know there are lot of gorgeous Kelly's this year! The red is fabulous too! Don't you adore the watercolor set? We are getting close to ready, making some final plans for family as we speak!

    Bon week-end!


  3. Bonjour!!! this is such a beautiful post!! I'd like one of each!

  4. Oh Iva, me too! and if you visit the Hermes site, it's like a little vacation...so beautiful! Thaks for stopping and commenting!

    Joyeaux Noel!


  5. I was briefly in Hermes heaven. Santa should definitely listen more to the Mrs. Thank you incredibly for your wise and kind words left on my blog today. You really get it. I wanted you to know how much I appreciate your words.
    All the best for a lovely pre-Christmas weekend. I think everyone has great plans for their last weekend before the festivities. xx deb

  6. Hi Deb, that Hermes site can whisk us away to a little bit of heaven for the moment! Thanks for visiting me, and your kind remarks.

    Have a heartfelt Christmas!


  7. How I wish Santa was a girl!! What a great holiday ad!

  8. Hi Alisa, yes these are lovely...and I adore the Hermes site, it is so light and whimsical, like taking a mini vacation!
    Happy holidays to you and yours!


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