04 January 2010

A little Smile for Your New Year :)

We went over to the sea early New Year's morning to take Ollie for a long, well-deserved walk. Hadn't he sat through interminable holiday dinners and fetes and brunches and presents and giggling and laughing and toasting with barely a scrap thrown his way for nearly two weeks?

So we took him to the sea...his, and our, favorite place to just get away, breath the sparkling Pacific air and be surrounded by the mists and waves and sounds so unlike our living room, or office, or streets.

This picture of Ollie makes me laugh out loud!


in the New Year, it's :

Kit Golson Design

for elegant, sustainable and pragmatic

Chic Provence Interior Design


  1. Hi Beth, thanks I agree, he is adorable! Kit

  2. Hi Down and Out, thanks for visiting! he is, he is!


  3. I love that Ollie... He looks like he is having the time of his life! That is what I love about dogs, They are always in the moment. He was having the time of his life. He is a small dog, with a very big personality. Thanks for the laugh, and give Ollie a pat for me. John

  4. Hey John! can you believe how funny he is? Hope you are well in the New Year, let's get together soon!


I would love to hear what you think! merci!