26 March 2010

For "une petite pause": Early Spring at Filoli

Not just another pretty springtime bouquet, this country estate-turned National Trust for Historic Preservation landmark is a must-see if you love formal gardens and beautiful old homes. A trip there will transport you to a quieter, more serene time when the cultivation of exquisite gardens and the keeping of mansions was a gracious way of living daily life. In other words, a peek at how the other half lived in 1925!

Situated on 654 acres with gardens to wander, a Gardener's Resource Shop to peruse, a cafe for lunch and amazing 18th & 19th century furnishings to admire in the House, an afternoon at Filoli is a designer's feast. What better place to meet a favorite client for a few hours? That's just what we did this week.

potted flowers in the ballroom

Chinoiserie in the Asian Room

flowering tree at Filoli

doorway at the Garden Shop

approaching the Orangerie

pathway leaving the Orangerie

the swimming pool flanked by potted lemon trees

pots of tulips at the rear of the House

one of the two Camperdown Elm trees
flanking the pool house

fuschia tulips underplanted with tiny forget-me-nots

inside the Orangerie

Chinese figure inside the House in the Asian Room

piano player in the ballroom

map of Filoli Gardens and House

So if you are lucky enough to find yourself in San Francisco this time of year, take a little time out to visit these gorgeous formal gardens and the exquisite mansion. Since I live about five miles away, let me know if you are in the area.

We'll have a wonderful walk through and might even take home a plant or two for our gardens. We'll definitely leave inspired.

Visit the website for information on visiting and the history. www.filoli.org

all photos by Kit Golson

download if you like!


in 2010, it's:

Kit Golson Design

for elegant, sustainable and pragmatic

Chic Provence Interior Design


  1. Kit~ can you believe having spent over 4 years in the interior design program at Canada I've never toured it? I pass it at least twice a week now, but still...
    Thanks for the post!

  2. Stunning, just stunning.

  3. Denny get thee to Filoli! how are you?

  4. Hi Rory it's a beautiful place most of the year...even in winter..

  5. Hi Kit, love Filoli and it's history. Did you know it was the house used in the opening credits for the TV show "Dynasty" during the 80's? When we discovered it was so close to SF our entire group from Texas went to visit. Thank you for this. Big hug, Marsha

  6. Oh Marsha you are right, I forgot about that tidbit...so glad you saw it too. It's such a cool place...

    thanks for visiting me!


  7. Absolutely stunning! The top photo with the parquet flooring, blue panelled walls and the gorgeous potted flowers. Heaven! I will actually be in LA (from Australia) in June and would love to visit Filoli. The Orangerie reminds me of the one at Versailles. Beautiful post! So if I get to San Francisco I'll give you a call! Have a lovely Sunday.

  8. Hi Frances we are a short 5+ hour drive from LA...come on up! I have never (yet) been to Australia, but would love to visit Sydney, etc..some day! Thanks for visiting and posting!

    Have a great Sunday too, I'll hop over to your blog now


  9. Hello Kit, thanks so much for stopping by my blog-truly makes my day to see a comment or a new follower..
    I LOVE your blog, such inspiration, such beauty, What an AMazing Job you have, Can't wait to see more pics to get such Inspiration..
    THank YOU

  10. Hi Karryann thanks for visiting!


  11. Hi Kit, Oh the gardens are so stunning! I love the photos of the potted tulips on the shop steps Super Photo!
    Thanks for visiting my blog!

  12. Thanks for the very Springtime post! (It's gray and dreary back East...) I'm going to bookmark this and hope to go when I'm out in June. Thanks to all my blogging friends, I now have so..... many places to go and things to see for each trip to S.F.!
    Oh, and I'll tweet this too...

  13. Hi Bella! thank you too...and have a great Sunday!


  14. Hi Libby, thanks for visiting! be sure to give a shout when you are out here! and thanks for tweeting..I visited your beautiful and interesting blog and am following now..

    have a great Sunday!


  15. breathtaking.... wonderful post... as always my dear.. would love to visit.
    happy sunday !! xx

  16. Hi Pam! yes when you make it down this way, this is a must see...and give me a shout so we can meet!

    enjoy the rest of Sunday!

  17. Hi Kit! Magnificent views! I have heard of this place before and I should make an effort to visit this year. Thanks so much for squeezing the time to drop by my blog. Regarding the fabric covered lampshade you inquired, I used spray adhesive, and the instructions I followed came from youtube experts. I have yet to master on the cutting part. It is always a delight to visit your blog regularly! Thanks again for your sweet messages. Take care!

  18. Hi Kit,
    i love your blog!!! Très très Charmant!!!
    Bonne soiré


  19. HI Vintage Cottage, thanks for visiting and kind words! I love that lampshade of yours and will look for the youtube...it looks like a very creative and thrifty solution that appeals to me a lot! I'm enjoying your blog too

    have a great week


  20. Hi Daniela welcome welcome! I'm so happy you found me and thanks so much for your very kind words! I love wandering around your blog too---beautiful, gorgeous!

    bonne journee!


  21. Hello Kit, always visit your blog. It is a source of inspiration for me.

  22. Dear Luciete, thank you so very much! I'm off to visit yours now!



  23. Hi Kit,

    What a beautiful post. I've sold my products at Filoli during their Christmas Faire, but never toured in spring. And to think it's just a couple of miles away. . . . thank you so much for the stunning photos!


  24. Hi Melanie..let's go soon! the roses will be spectacular in about a month!


  25. How wonderful it was to discover Filoli and your lovely blog in the same week!

    ~ Kelly


I would love to hear what you think! merci!