12 March 2010

There Aren't Any Words...

...this picture will say it all. This adorable little one's family lost her to Neuroblastoma this week in Texas.

Beautiful blogger Layla Grayce {who has a gorgeous site for design and a very similar name} posted about her and invited us all to do a little something to help her family on her blog today. Read her very touching story and help her family here.


in 2010, it's:

Kit Golson Design

for elegant, sustainable and pragmatic

Chic Provence Interior Design


  1. Poor Layla Grace...

    My cousin actually succumbed to neuroblastoma in 1999 at the age of 9. It's a truly horrible disease.

  2. Hi Averill, her story broke my heart...as it must have yours with your cousin.

    Thanks for visiting


  3. HI Maria-Therese, as any mother knows this is devastating to even ponder..this little child just looks so angelic to me. I was moved to visit the family's site and help a little with their medical expenses.



  4. I can't fathom a mother's pain in this situation. She and her family are in my prayers.

  5. Hi Gwen thanks for visiting. The family plans a balloon release celebration of her life this afternoon in Texas.



  6. The passing of little Layla Grayce was on our news this week and it is so crushing. My deepest heartfelt sympathy to her family. I just can't imagine their pain. God's peace be with them all.

    We lost my mother-in-law on Monday and my mother in Jan. to cancer. If only the world was free of this horrible, tragic disease that strikes us all in one way or another. Thank you Kit for posting about Layla's story. All my best to you x

  7. Oh Deb I am so very very sorry to hear of your crushing losses and hope that you are finding some comfort in The Duchess's kind words you alluded to on your post. (I would love to see those)

    I found out about Layla Grayce while searching for pagoda lampshades of all things and was stopped in my tracks by her story.

    Take heart



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