20 May 2010

Cuisine du Soleil: Provence Artichokes!

Just in time for the weekend, a recipe to try using those gorgeous spring artichokes we are seeing in all the markets right now! Be careful, though...artichokes make everything you taste after eating them a little sweet...including wine! So choose carefully the wine you will serve with them! You'll get lots of advice on CHOWHOUND!

Provence Style Artichokes with Bacon

4 large, bell-shaped artichokes

1/2 lemon

8 oz smoked bacon pieces

freshly ground black pepper (optional)

freshly grated nutmeg (optional)

1/2 cup dry white Provencal wine

4 fresh bay leaves

a handful of fresh flat-leaf parsley, chopped

Serves 4

Tear off and discard the two outer base layers of leaves from the artichokes. Trim or peel the stems. Slice about 2 inches off the pointed tops of the leaves. Cut each globe in half lengthwise.

Use a spoon or a melon baller to dig out the fluffy choke. discard this and the tiny leaves around it. Rub the lemon over all the cut surfaces. Prepare all the artichokes in the same way.

Heat a large, heavy-based saucepan or flameproof casserole dish until very hot. Sizzle the bacon until the fat runs: about 3 minutes.

Add some pepper and nutmeg (if using), the wine, and bay leaves. Put the artichokes in the pan, cut side down. Cover tightly and cook over high heat for 5 minutes. Rearrange the artichokes so that the top layer is now at the bottom. Cover and cook over a medium-low heat for 20-25 minutes more. Test the top layer: the artichoke flesh must be easy to pierce with a fork. Continue cooking if necessary. Top up with extra wine if it looks sparse.

Serve the artichokes hot or warm, sprinkled with luscious reduced sauce and some chopped parsley.

Note: Quarter the artichokes, if necessary, to fit them in the pan

From France Today, originally published in Flavors of Provence by Clare Ferguson. Ryland Peters & Small, $21.95,


in 2010, it's:

Kit Golson Design

for elegant, sustainable and pragmatic

Chic Provence Interior Design


  1. Sounds delicious! I'm going to send this to my sister -- her hubby LOVES artichokes.

  2. I must make this artichokes - in my country this is not popular vegetable and I long time searching what this cook.
    Thanks for comment, you are right, my photos was not available, now it is ok - invite:)

  3. Anonymous20 May, 2010

    I adore artichokes - both for eating and just looking. I love them just sitting in a big bowl. :)

  4. Mmmm, I love artichokes. I remember my mum serving them with a simple vinaigrette and it was beautiful. This sounds great too though :-) I think I'm now your newest follower to your great blog. Love from London x

  5. Hi Kit,

    I could eat artichokes for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Hubby won't touch them though.
    I will give this recipe a try.

    Have a wonderful evening.

  6. could it be 'beam me over Scotty' ?
    I wanna be in Provence NOW!

  7. Anonymous20 May, 2010

    I grew up eating artichokes and loved them but hardly ever serve them to my kids. I am going to try this delicious sounding recipe this weekend. Thanks for the inspiration!

  8. I love artichokes, great recipe to try!!

    Art by Karena

  9. Oh... note to self: buy artichokes at market... ;>)

  10. Après avoir suspendu son activité pendant de longs mois, le laboratoire va pouvoir enfin reprendre ses publications sur son site officiel.


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