13 June 2010

Walking Around Copley Square at Night

We left San Francisco early on the Saturday morning before Memorial Day, wearing scarves and cashmere under our linen overcoats. We flew east over the greening land of early June and the puffy clouds for five hours, then descended through the thick, opaque cloud cover, spiraled downwards over Marblehead, Cape Cod and Salem, and landed in Boston. Warm at last.

We stayed over in the old part of Boston that night before heading to Marblehead the next day for a few nights relaxation by the sea. I loved walking with my husband on an early Saturday evening after a delicious dinner on Newbury Street near Copley Square.

And why shouldn't I? The air was soft and warm with gentle breezes. I loved the contrast between the old, old buildings and cobblestones and the hip young design shops at night.

love the pinks and greens (kind of French preppy look!)
of the fresh springy palette at Madura

I was delighted to spot my favorite French
prête à poser shop, Madura, near Copley Square

brilliant palette at Madura

more vibrant colors at Madura

Kartell Boston was celebrating its 20th
anniversary with a very cool window
display featuring heads of designers
and quotes from them

classic Kartell..transluscent cubes holding
a row of Cindy table lamps in brilliant colors, in
front of a row of the iconic Louis Ghost
chairs in colors

I love this wacky photo showing my
dark silhouette standing in front of the Kartell
window with an illuminated
transit map of Boston behind me

I even like this graphic map of the
Boston peninsula and bay area

classic Bostonian statue of
George Washington himself

hip display window for shoe store
on Newbury Street

a dreamlike image of
the swan boats in the lake near old town Boston



for help creating a beautiful new look
for your home or event, in the San Francisco Bay Area
or virtually anywhere else,
call or email me


for elegant, sustainable and pragmatic
Chic Provence Interior Design


  1. Boston looks always so beautiful and Madura window displays look better in the states thzn in France

  2. Boston has changed so much since my student days there. I had no idea that there was a Madura shop in Boston. Thank you for the update on such a beautiful city

  3. love the european flair in newbury street. thanks for sharing this. hope you had a great weekend. verbena cottage

  4. I'd like to visit Boston just now!
    Very nice town with lovely shops!

    But I have to stay in Germany ...


  5. Bonjour Melanie! Madura does have a very glam look at this store in Boston..in France they are a little more pelle-melle...but fabulous!

    thanks for the visit!



  6. Hi Francine, my husband went to school there too..we hadn't been back in almost 15 years and its wonderful! so nice to hear from you, hope all went well with your travels. I'll have to catch up with everyone now!!



  7. I am dreaming of that store! The colors are so energetic and those displays are genius! I need to go there pronto!

  8. what a fun trip. I hope to visit Boston some day!

  9. i adore boston... i lived there for 8 years and still feel sentimental whenever i see it or someone sweet talks about it... xx

  10. so glad you had such a wonderful trip....

  11. Woo the pictures from Madura a fabulous!thanks for sharing:)

  12. So glad you enjoyed your stay in Boston! I love to be a tourist in my own town of Boston. Walking in the public garden is one of my favorite things to do, anytime of year.


I would love to hear what you think! merci!