18 June 2010

Chez Pascal Palun: Recoup' & Treasure

Love it or leave it, the Provencale "brocante, linen and found object" look is here to stay. Maybe as a reaction to the frantic, digitized and depersonalized world we all inhabit now, and certainly fueled by an economy that encourages us to all "make do with what we have", as well as a desire to save the environment, people respond warmly to old things that are resurrected, refashioned, and given place of honor in homes.

Pascal Palun has long been a favorite of mine for her wire sculpture chandeliers. She lives in and works in Avignon; her influence is worldwide. Her chandeliers hang at l'Escale and adorn the home of John Malkovich. And according to my friend, Jaclyn at the gorgeous blog Haute Home, even Anthropologie taps her immensely creative ways with old things for their imaginative store displays and identity.

Now a peek into her own home. She has furnished it with things she has found at flea markets, garage sales and on the street; found objects that have weathered through to find their way into her heart and home. For Pascal, living with old things is "not looking backwards..on the contrary, it's a way to reconnect with a history, to give to old things new value and another dimension..it's the mysterious difference that exists between an electric lightbulb and the light from a wax candle."

Her glamorous wire and fantasmagoric creations are the result of an aesthetic formed in Pascal by her grandfather, who was a bricoleur (handyman) and taught her to repair beautiful old things, and her father, whose passion for automobiles gave her a taste for mechanics and manual work.

What do you think of her home in Avignon? Do you love it or leave it?

photos above are of Pascal Palun's home in
Avignon and are the work of Joanna Maclennan for


above are photos of Pascal Palun's
atelier in Avignon where she does her
magical work

these photos appears in
Cote Sud, December 2007



for help creating a beautiful new look

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anywhere call or email me



Kit Golson Design

for elegant, sustainable and pragmatic

Chic Provence Interior Design


  1. Fabulous, love that gray colour that she has used on the walls!

    Bon week-end a toi,

    Leeann x

  2. A very well curated space! This designer makes it look easy - but it takes talent, a discerning eye, and restraint to produce a space like this and not end up with it looking like the flea-markets the items came from. Giving each piece some space to "breath" is key. Nicely done!

  3. Hi Leeann, thanks for visiting...you must get to Vox Populi in person from time to time? See what the grey is she used..I agree, it's wonderful

    et bon week-end a toi aussi!


  4. hi Pangaea, spoken like a true designer. It is very difficult to pull off this look, and one can't help but wonder how it looks when the photostylist has left and the kids have the run of the place...although she has used such restraint, and the space is large, it might work perfectly for her.

    But yes, an artistic restraint and eye are essential!

    thanks for visiting, I love the "10 Sexy Chairs" on your site!



  5. I Love it! Restraint is the hardest at times. This home is gorgeous and full of soul and wonder.

  6. what a fabulous home! I think we're all drawn to this look because it's lived-in, unpretentious and comfortable. ah, Avignon - I visited there a few years ago and it's stunning. : )

  7. Hi Kelle..absolutely true, restraint is underused a lot! I love that you said this home is full of soul and wonder, I agree!

    thanks for visiting..


  8. Hi LisaRoy! thanks for visiting...I know, I love Avignon too. What a special place, with the river and the Pope's Palace dominating the downtown, and the wall around the old town..also La Mirande is a wonderful place to visit, stay or just have lunch. A visual feast! Yes, her home is unpretentious and you get the feeling that you can just exhale there..

    see you at your site!


  9. Oh I love Pascal's home a lot!! And that bedroom looks gorgeous! Very charming!
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  10. completely charming... thank you for sharing this special home... and i agree... it is here to stay!
    have a wonderful weekend xoxo pam

  11. Hi Kit!
    I think her work is stunning and the images you picked were too. No wonder Anthropologie tapped into her talents..I loved every one and her chandeliers are gorgeous!!!!!Maryannexo

  12. You said it best "Make due with what we have" :) Thank you for the understated and real, yet still inspiring interior you featured here!

  13. Wow is all I can say...wow, wow, wow!
    I love the total look and feel of every element here! I also love the idea of reusing what you have and living with a peice that has had another life before you.
    I am now a follower and look forward to many visits.
    I'd like to extend the invitation to come follow La Bella Vie as well. Hope to see you there.

  14. Love it, love it, love it... what else can I say? Not only the look, but I like the idea/philosophy of passing things down through the family and items being more than just functional furniture, but having a history and a personal connection. Have a lovely week, Love from London x

  15. love them and will keep them all! wish you a great week... verbena cottage

  16. Dear friend, I am having a give away to celebrate the first year of my blog
    I am giving away 3 pieces of jewelry made by me.
    Please, make sure you stop by and send some friends over. Thank you.
    Have a great day!


I would love to hear what you think! merci!