26 June 2010

Midsummer in the Forest

She had always wanted a home of her own, a sweet sanctuary she could furnish with lovingly chosen things that didn't cost the earth. She wanted to create a small visual feast just for herself and to have things exactly how she wanted. So she found an old hunting cabin deep in the forest and transformed it into her little haven:

once a neglected old hunting hut, now
transformed with Victoriana and white paint

she made every square inch count, from the
bookshelves under the eaves to the
wire-front cupboards

a downy sleeping loft under the rafters

the simplest of arrangements: foliage from the
forest tucked into clear glass containers of all kinds

those raspberry colored mud boots could not be
more charming on the little front porch

see the enchanting story of how she used salvaged, found
things to create her tiny Victorian cottage in the Catskills on
a shoestring..it's a fascinating story!

perhaps a midsummer's celebration
in the forest? what shall we
choose for dessert?

apricot ice cream with
nut crust?

violette cassis ice cream?

petits choux?

berry meringue tarts with mint?

rhubarb sables with strawberries
and orange?

recipes here at Marie Claire Maison

(in French, you'll have to get
Bardot in Blue to translate them, she just finished school
in Paris last month!!)


  1. Midsummer in the city is very (perhaps a little too) romantic!

    I like the desserts and don't know which I will choose first!

    Have a nice sunday!

  2. That place in the forest is a dream. It must be the shelter of the queen of fairies.... very very charming xoxo

  3. So ethereal ....a dream in white! Would love to spend the night.

  4. What a charming little house, sure a dream for any little girl who wants a fancy doll's house! Or a get away from the rest of the world! beautiful!

  5. Raina Cox has this little cottage posted yesterday, along with the rest of the story. Most people thought the article & story were jokes, not withstanding her previous experiences.
    Whatever. This little place is like enchantment.
    Let's just imagine it's for the little girl in all of us (or for a little girl) and believe in it's magic. xx's

  6. Oh my goodness, that is like a little piece of heaven on earth!

  7. Your version of Mrs. Foster's woodland escape is so much more digestible.

    Thanks so much for dropping by La Lamp Shade!


    If the Lamp Shade Fits

  8. HI Raina I had to laugh so hard at your post, because of course the article is a wee bit fantastic and has an aura of "April Fools" about it!! so you certainly nailed that bit...

    thanks for the visit back, I LOVE your blog, tres ascerbic!!



  9. Tassia, Zaira, Theresa, Simony, Mimi, and of course Splenderosa,

    I must be part wood fairy (the Irish in me?) because I love this little house too...very "Anthropologie", the whole thing....

    and of course, those desserts!! I'll sit at that table and have a little of each!

    thanks to all for visiting!!



  10. kit...
    a pure fairytale... wouldnt it be wonderful to have this in your backyard? i think i would take naps every chance i could... hope you had a wonderful weekend... xx

  11. i recently come across this little cottage as well and fell in loveeeeee

    simply magical!

    xoxo Bardot in Blue

  12. I read this story - it was quite interesting...almost seemed to be too good to be true!!!


  13. Love the fairytale! Wow, can you just imagine?

  14. The violette cassis ice cream b/c it matches the boots!

  15. gorgeous images!

    just passing by your blog and i have to say its LOVELY! pls come drop by mine too and maybe we can follow each other. =)


  16. i am loving all the pretty pictures throughout your page!
    your blog is splendid!
    and so are you! x

  17. I found you through Karina, thank you so much for featuring my studio!


    Sandy @ My Shabby Streamside Studio


I would love to hear what you think! merci!