03 August 2010

Before & After: A Little Chair

I love antique Japanese and Chinese fabrics and have several in my collection that will make gorgeous cushions. Then out in the shed one day, I found this old French country chair I had stashed out there years ago. In sad shape, but very sound. So this weekend, I repaired the woven seat, and gave the frame a new life with cool glossy green paint.

Now I'm trying to decide which silk to go with for the cushion. What do you think? The black, the coral, or the purple?

chair after with black embroidered
silk from Chinese jacket

detail in this black embroidered
silk from Chinese jacket found at
an estate sale locally

chair after with gorgeous vintage Japanese kimono
fabric in coral, green, yellow, blue

a bolt of kimono silk found at local
consignment shop

chair after with purple Japanese kimono silk

purple Japanese kimono silk
given to me as a gift in Japan


the old French country chair when I found it in the shed

the chair half painted with glossy green paint


  1. Love the chair... but then again, I do have a chair fetish... I'm liking the purple! ~Terri

  2. I love the second cushion it is so fun looking...depending on the look you are going for. I have a before and after party every Wednesday and have one going on now, I would love for you to join in. Also every Friday I have a garage salen party you may be interested in too. Hope to see you soon. Debbie

  3. I vote for choice #1.

    Good luck listening to us, lol.
    You'll be the tie breaker anyway!


  4. oh, I am crazy for that black silk...

  5. Hi Kit! I'm drawn to that purple...love the green finish. Very cute! XO Trish

  6. Love the black against the green!!

    New Giveaway is up on my site!

    Art by Karena

  7. i like the coral, green, yellow and blue. the second option! Super bright and fun:)
    Visiting from justsewsassy.com
    ps. come check out my blog for a pretty fun giveaway going on right now!

  8. Thanks for joining in on my party...Have a great day! Debbie

  9. What a gorgeous chair and I love the fabric with the red in it. I believe it is a Japanese kimono.

  10. I like the black. How did you get the chair bottom light brown again? I messed a couple up with paint. I was thinking of repainting just the seats brown.

  11. Love the chair, love the idea and love the black option!!!


  12. "I love the black with it, it seems to POP"... But you "could" change it with the seasons, like purple for spring, the coral for fall and the black in the winter... MAYBE... but it's what you love that counts... They are all beautiful and the contrast is a fantastic idea...

  13. This is really nice info.Thanks for such a wonderful post.

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  14. A very lucky little chair indeed, to have you dress it up and changes it's clothes with such taste. I think it loves it! Maryanne xo

  15. Loving the black...but the coral and green are such a cool pair....hmmmmm! All three are winners, so pick according to what speaks to you most :)

  16. Love the chair ~love your blog ~I'm your new follower

  17. I love the coral kimono silk version - very striking against the green! Nice options though.

  18. Count me in for the purple(for my tastes) but I really dig the black too, heck, the coral is great as well. Guess you can't lose!

  19. I like the coral. Lovely job! :)

  20. I adore the chair. I'm torn between the black and coral. Love the paint color.


  21. Hi Kit,
    Wonderful this chair! A couple of days ago I was in Antwerp and discovered a set of 8 provencal chairs (not armchairs)! I knew my sister was looking for chairs as these! So she bought them! And they are also in a green as your beautiful painted chair! Nice job!

  22. I'd go for purple. I'm going to check my shed today. Who knows, somebody might have stashed something worth reviving.

  23. J'adore the coral kimono fabric, makes the chair so modern and cheerful. Also luv the purple. Where did you find such lovely fabrics?

  24. I like the coral best, I think.

  25. Ain't old chairs awesome, I wish I can find a nice antique to put in my own house.

  26. lovely post... and i am LOVING that green... isn't it great how color makes us so happy??? hope you are well sweet friend xx

  27. oh love this!!! fabulous blog :)

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I would love to hear what you think! merci!