26 September 2010

A Wander Through The Ferry Building Marketplace

When I dropped my dear friends visiting from Texas off at the Alcatraz tour boat launch I headed out for a slow walk along the San Francisco waterfront to wait for them. I had no particular plan in mind as I ambled down the Embarcadero. The sun was shining, there was a gentle warm breeze blowing and the atmosphere outside was happy and festive with street markets and Peter Pan playing in the big tent. Feeling a bit aimless, I strolled happily.

Then I looked up and found I was at the Ferry Building Marketplace. Walking inside I was riveted by the sheer sensuality of so many local purveyors with their permanent stalls set up to sell perfectly delectable eatables, kitchen and dining wares, antiques, gardening tools, books; and incredible spots to have coffee, lunch or dinner along the way. The sensual feast awakened my inner shopper*grazer and I found myself swept along with the milling crowd, more delighted at each stop along the way.

Visiting The Ferry Building always gives me the same feeling I have when visiting the covered Paris flea markets: an exciting sense of discovery, of surprise and wonder; the hustle and bustle of so many people and so many purveyors could be along a medieval street scene on market day. Modernized. Glammed up. And very chic!

I hope you will join me next time!

the dining area of Boulettes Larder, the
place to eat when you to be around people;
the restaurant seats 24 inside
and a handful of tables outside

industrial chic meets French kitchen

the immediacy of the kitchen means you can watch all
these busy chefs preparing your meal at close range

the kitchen takes up the
largest part of the dining room, is a visual feast
in itself and gives you the wonderful feeling of
being in your French grandmother's kitchen

the charming sign

Belgian linen napkins to buy at
Boulettes Larder


this antique kitchen implement is
a pleasing graphic work in
wrought iron (not sure of it's function..
anyone know?)

charming marble fireplace could be
found anywhere in Provence

old French farm cart


the store is a celebration of the garden and home

charming fish print tablecloth

gardening gloves all the way down to
little kids' sizes

provençal tablecloth


the delectable sweets tempt all passersby!



Along The Embarcadero
San Francisco


{from Kit!}


  1. Superbe endroit!

    bonne soirée


  2. It adds a whole other dimension to the already wonderful ferry journey from Larkspur, since I now live in Marin. There is the Slanted Door if I need to lunch an urbanite, the Mexican restaurant if I'm simply hungry, wonderful coffee, the Book Passage to tempt me beyond endurance. It really is a wonderful place!

  3. The pics and informations are making appetite to go to San Francisco!!!

    It's really a nice place!


  4. It is making me so homesick. Cannot wait to come next weekend! Thanks Kit.

  5. the colors are wonderful!

  6. Health Ceramics is a store I would love to visit. I think you had a great day Kit!!

    ( : deb

  7. Hi Kit,

    What a wonderful place. Maybe someday.....

    Have a fantastic week.

  8. Thanks for your wonderful and timely post! Kent and I were there this morning, Kit! Kent ran in the Komen Race for the Cure while I patiently waited for my Blue Bottle Cappuccino. Their coffee is amazingly delicious and worth the wait. After the race, we ate breakfast at Il Cane Rosso - Kent had the olive oil, pancetta and fried egg sandwich and fresh squeezed orange/strawberry juice. I had the slow cooked eggs with parmesan over crostini with roasted strawberry preserves. We always stop by Far West Fungi to pickup wild mushrooms to be used in something delicious!

  9. i so adore the ferry building and cannot wait to visit again in a couple weeks! thank you for the lovely post... xoxo

  10. Please take me there pronto! molto bella! Thank you for sharing, I am book marking all this fun stuff! Ciao!

  11. Bonjour Kit,
    What fabulous colors and textures. I need to plan a holiday there soon. Are you ready to head eastward? The Autumn chill has arrived - bring your raincoat and scarf.
    a bientôt,

  12. Hi just found your blog and like it very much, lovely phots and ideas

  13. very nice blog you have here, some very interesting and non shouty design ideas. those hex tiles are gorgeous, keep up the great work


I would love to hear what you think! merci!