21 October 2010

Pretty in Provence: Almond Green & Rose Pink

I have to confess I am just not an autumn colors girl. There, I said it. Black & orange, black & brown, burnt orange & brown, rust & olive. Not only do I have crunchy dark autumn to deal with, but now Halloween is upon us with its very restricted palette:)

Which brings me to this lovely respite at Campagne Francaise: could there be a lighter, lovelier, springier or more feminine interpretation of our beloved Provencal* style than this? Are you with me?

like a watercolor, this living room is ready for teatime
thanks to the Holy Trinity of Fabric Designers:
linen curtains: Pierre Frey , chairs in Manuel Canovas,

dining room bathed in sunlight; Pierre Frey linen at the windows,
table found at the flea market at l'Isle sur la Sorgue then covered
with a sheet of zinc (love it!!)

soft and intimate atmosphere created by grey tones with white
and brightened with raspberry. upholstery by Pacific Compagnie

a little theatrical vignette of a screen
and a lampshade which
evoke the spirit of Venice and the 18th C.

love this original fireplace from the 30's in chinoiserie style;
Japanese tea cloth on the wall, Asian lamps with lavender shades and raku,
and that black chair against the almond green..fabulous!

love this inviting sleeping alcove with headboard and
curtains in Manual Canovas fabrics


all these gorgeous photos by
Stephen Clement

* this beautiful home is on the
northern coast of France, in Honfleur

selected fabrics to love from

by Kit Golson
Chic Provence Design!


  1. Springtime is in the rooms!!!

    I like the light - soft colors!

    Have a bright weekend!

  2. AHH! A breath of fresh air. Thanks.

  3. Oh my goodness- ABSOLUTELY gorgeous photos!! Such beautiful inspiration- I love them all!!!! I have a decorating inspiration party at my blog on the weekends if you would like to join in sometime- TONS of inspiration over here!! Thanks for sharing! :)

  4. absolutely gorgeous. wow.

  5. Love your blog soooo sooo much!! I hope you will follow or visit my blog:)

  6. I just love it Kit! I'm not "an autumn colors girl" either. Give me pinks, pinks and more pinks any day! Take care!

  7. I am not an autumn color person either. Even the pumpkin I purchased is a pinkish buckskin color which I adore. What gorgeous pictures you have shown us. The fireplace is breath-taking.
    Thank you so much.

  8. Love the pops of pink in the rooms.Im hoping to do that in our study using Laura Ashley fabrics.Spring colours really are so happy.Fiona

  9. This would be a lovely home any time of the year....the lighter palette would be great & cheery during the rainy months...LOVE all the fabrics!

  10. You have taken an interesting approach, decorating for the autumn season by deliberatly choosing colors not normally associated with autumn. I like it. Instead of merely following the common trend you are using the same impetus to take the style of your decoration in a direction you prefer. Nicely done.

  11. Hi there! I borrowed one or two of your images for my post today. I hope you don't mind . . . I did credit your blog. Come by if you like. cheers, -s

  12. Beautiful! I love the colors!! WM&CO

  13. Love it ♥

    ♥..♥  ╔══╦══╗╔╦══╗  ♥..♥
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    ♥..♥  ╔═╝║║║║║║║║║  ♥..♥
    ♥..♥  ║╔═╣║║║║║║║║  ♥..♥
    ♥..♥  ║╚═╣╚╝║║║╚╝║  ♥..♥
    ♥..♥  ╚══╩══╝╚╩══╝  ♥..♥

    Welcome to my websites : In there where have a lot of wallpapers, themes for desktop , for mobile and themes for media . Especialy all free ^^!

  14. Dearest Kit .... I think we might be sisters! The Holy Trinity of fabric designers .... LOVE it as they are my favourites as well. You won't believe it but I have just done a post on the new Manuel Canovas wallpapers and fabrics in the toile! Like- minded souls! Beautiful pictures and so lovely to think we are thinking of the same things .... have a gorgeous day and I hope you are well. Also, I am going to be doing a post each week on my gorgeous American friends and I was wondering if you would consider being one of them. I will email you for details if possible.
    Hugs always and lots of love
    M.A. the 2nd

  15. Hi Kit,

    Those rooms are so feminine and lovely. While I do enjoy the autumn colors, I appreciate these as well. What a sunny post on a cloudy day.

    Big hugs,

  16. Hi Kit please to "meet you". I live in the South of France and I totally love the hills around the Luberon. Your blog is gorgeous. Thanks for sharing such lovely pics.

  17. Just stumbled upon your lovely blog. These pictures are stunning, especially the light in the first one - I was very surprised that the house is in Honfleur, I would have sworn that that was south of France sunshine!!

    I'll be back for more!
    My French Country Home

  18. tres chic

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  20. I must admit Kit that I am definitely with you on this!

    The styles you portray are an amazing array of fantastic colours.

  21. this is a nice post. thanks for the post.
    work at home

  22. hi kit...
    i am so with you... rust, olive, too dark and dreary... but i do love grays... and all of the above! hoping this finds you well... have missed you xx


I would love to hear what you think! merci!