10 December 2010

Christmas Decorating With "les Femmes"!

If you do not know A Femme d'Un Certain Age yet, you are in for a treat! Tish Jett's witty observations about being a woman of brilliance and style "who moved to France for a job and stayed for love" living in Paris will keep you coming back over and over again! A little cadeaux for yourself! She is also full of great advice for achieving that nonchalant elegance that defines Parisian style.

Three days ago Tish asked me to post about Christmas decorating. I agreed, and joined the company of other designer/bloggers MaryAnne of Beadboard Upcountry, Patricia Tapp of Little Augury, Francine Gardner of Art de Vivre and of course, Jeanne-Aelia of Through the French Eye of Design... fun!

Thanks Tish for including me in the celebration!

lavender cowhide over old French linen on the desserts sidebar... see the


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  1. Looks beautiful! I love the painting, and the table is lovely!


  2. It's nice to see an more innovative color scheme for Christmas decorations. I love the lilac theme with the white dinner service - is it Limoges?

  3. Hi Kit!
    I didn't know you were the other contributor!!!!!I love your ideas,and am glad to be in such great company!!!!!We are so busy here during the season, I can't wait to get time to catch up on what's going on with you! Love the Lilac!!!!!!The cowhide!!!! great job! Maryanne xo

  4. Love the cowhide! such a great innovative idea. As Maryanne, i have been quite busy with the showroom, and still need to get the house ready for my french cousins...will have to watch out these 2 pretty 19 years old around my son's friends...


I would love to hear what you think! merci!