22 December 2010

Un petit Cadeau from Hermes... No Really, You CAN Afford This!

Is anyone else just a "little" busy this week? Would you like to waste a little time right now, my friend?

I haven't posted in ages, and now here I am taking screenshots from the Hermes site and pushing you there. I spent precious Christmas prep time whiling away at these cool, fun, incredibly inventive and creative games on the Hermes site, and now you can too!

Like to play the slots? You can here. Like to put together jigsaw puzzles? Do it at Hermes, online. Want to do some seriously fun coloring in a sophisticated colorbook? Look no further. How about a real time-elapsed peek at a shopping day in the fabled shop in Paris?

Affordable (bien sur, it's free!) Hermes! You need a break, now! Oh, and please send me your pages from your coloring book when you're done, I'd love to magnet them on the refrigerator door!

it's playtime!

clicking on "Surprises" takes you to this screen; it's a little bit
like the iPhone, no instructions, just explore and have fun!
go ahead, you've got the time :)


play the slot machine!


the tres sophisticated coloring book ... color online
to your heart's content then print out your masterpiece!

a spread from the coloring book before I began to color!

on my way to true masterpiece... your kids will also LOVE this!

in mere moments I was on my way!


le Jigsaw puzzle, not so easy!


go here now, see the Parisians shopping ... really shopping!

this starts out as b & w line drawing and the design
is created before your very astonished eyes! c'est magique!

the little winged guy of Hermes

spying one of these boxes under the tree always
quickens the pulse a wee bit, non?


  1. lovely! Merry Christmas Kit! xo

  2. Hi Erin! Have fun my dear and Merry Christmas to you and yours!

    xoxo Kit

  3. passez un bon fétes de fin d'année.

  4. Hi Ian

    Thanks for visiting Chic Provence... I have gone over to Swallowtail to see your blog, it's incroyable!

    Bon fetes a vous aussi!


  5. It's playtime!!!

    It's christmastime and I have no time to play! :-))

    I wish you and your family a very peaceful and merry christmas!


  6. those coloring pages are so cool!

  7. Oh Kit ! What a lovely lovely post ! I am an ultimate Hermès fan and yet I had never checked out the details of the coloring book ! Thank you it's amazing :)

  8. This is so creative. Thank you for sharing the joy of Hermes!!
    Joyeux Noel Erin.

  9. How fun!! This is definitely one of those sinful pleasures that I can engage in after the kids go to bed. Thank you for sharing, Kit, and have a very Merry Christmas.

  10. This is a nice article, Definitely it has a good content.

  11. Whether one is a fan of Hermès products or not, there is absolutely no denying that they have the most artful and delightful marketing campaigns that cater to the inner child in all of us!
    Happy Holidays, and thanks for a year full of wonderful posts; looking forward to more in 2011.
    All the best,

  12. very nice, so creative. Merry Christmas.

  13. Merry Christmas Kit, hope you have a lovely holiday!

  14. Oh my goodness, so much fun! I was coloring book obsessed when I was little...I must go play! Have a wonderful Christmas with your family and friends Kit!

    Hope Ava

  15. This is very cute. I am going to use this idea for Easter! Thank you for your time to make this article!
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I would love to hear what you think! merci!