19 March 2011

Sunday is Macaroon Day in France :)

I know, enough with the macaroons already! But we cannot help ourselves...they are such delectable little morsels, so beautiful, so... darn happy! The French love them so much that Sunday, March 20 is the 5th Annual Macaroon Day in France! You can taste different macaroons all over Paris...if you happen to be there. If not, you can enjoy this video from Ladurée sharing their secrets (in French) to making the beloved macaroons in their famous kitchen. Be sure to visit their site too, it's a great little diversion at the end of a very difficult week for us all.



this is enjoyable, even in French, and the chef's kind of cute too...oh
the Kate Winslet bit at the beginning is in English:

Thanks for visiting! xxx Kit


  1. What a happy sight! Thank you for making me smile.

  2. Hi Sunday, what a lovely name! it's been a rough awful week and I thought a little momentary diversion in order...now today the French are flying over Libya...so I wonder if this post is way out of line...but it's here.. xoxo Kit

  3. I have to try making these, they look so pretty!

  4. Hi Kit, after reading the paper this morning and seeing all the sadness in so many parts of the world, I was gladdened to see your lovely post. It made me think of the garden colors of spring.

  5. Kit, I can see the desire for the delectable little confections.

    I had some at an opening event recently, however have not had my OWN special little box of Laduree's!!

    So happy you are having a great trip!!

    Art by Karena

  6. Hello Kit, I adore macaroons. Thanks for letting me know there was a day dedicated to them in France.

    Lisa xx

  7. I bought only two treats at Laduree, but they packaged it as if I had bought dozens. It was so lovely that I saved the box!

  8. No way. This is the reason why they were giving out free Macaroons at the Supermarket yesterday. They wanted you to taste them before buying them. And I had to come here to get why. You rock. All the best, talk soon

  9. They look as good as they taste, I bet. These beauties delight our palates and enchant our imagination. Oh oui!

  10. Isn't it the coolest thing to enjoy them? I am on bedrest as prescribed by my website designer, after birthing a new website for the shop and new blog. She prescribed bedrest and white Bordeaux, maybe I can get her prescription to be Sauternes and Macaroon???? With Refills???????Maryanne xo

  11. What beautiful macaroons!! They would be the lovely dessert for my Sunday Supper. A light salad with a lemon vinaigrette and tilapia. You need to check it out.

  12. YUMMY macarons! LOVE all the BRIGHT COLOUR!!!

  13. Oh do you think there is a recipe out there. I
    would love to experiment.Enjoyed the video!

  14. Something dear to my heart!

    I adore Macaroons

  15. Après avoir suspendu son activité pendant de longs mois, le laboratoire va pouvoir enfin reprendre ses publications sur son site officiel.


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