03 August 2011

The White Dinner in Paris

I wasn't there, but wish I had been. This looks otherworldly divine! The annual "everything is white" dinner is held in Paris in the summer, and this year was in front of Notre Dame cathedral. Isn't it beautiful?

all images via Yahoo... yep Yahoo News!


thanks for visiting! Kit


  1. wish i was there too :)
    xo sandra

  2. I wish I was there . I hope I will be abble to make it once , it is so chic

  3. How does one get invited to such an affair????

  4. so fabulous. I'm wondering if this was the inspiration for our "White Linen Night" here in New Orleans which is this saturday. It is a celebration of art where everyone wears white linen) and peruses art galleries on Julia Street. It is this Saturday. Just makes me wonder.
    Great post! Thanks!

  5. C'est tres chic! Adding White dinner in Paris to my bucket list!
    Thanks for sharing!

  6. I wish I was there too! xoxo, B

  7. That looks amazing! Maybe we should all form a Bloggers To The White Dinner group and go all together next year :-)

  8. Melanie in Denver10 August, 2011

    My husband and I were in Paris in June as dozens of people all dressed in white and carrying picnic baskets came streaming across the bridges onto the Ile de la Cite (where Notre Dame is located, for those of you who are not familiar). We had no idea what it was but I've since found out it's a 35-year long tradition that is held in Paris each year. The location is kept secret until the last minute. Look up "white dinner+paris" in google to learn more. What a GREAT idea!!

  9. That looks totally wonderful! I wanna come!!


  10. Après avoir suspendu son activité pendant de longs mois, le laboratoire va pouvoir enfin reprendre ses publications sur son site officiel.


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