09 September 2011

A Chic Provence Giveaway! Hidden in Paris

The brilliant Corine at Hidden in France has published her first book, Hidden in Paris,and I loved reading it! I already miss the characters... Annie, Lola, Althea, Lucas... and find myself wondering what they are up to now!

Corine is French living in Los Angeles, and her book is written with lots of little insights into the French way of thinking. I find her use of the English language completely charming and spot on for a native French speaker (and I know because I'm married to one!). I can already see the film, {Renee Zellwieger (Annie), Uma Thurman (Lola), Hilary Swank (Althea)}, and a narrator speaking English with that French accent and way of expressing things, and I can't wait to see it!

If you have been to Paris you will recognize the places and the paces of life described here, and it will make you want to head over there and take up residence off Avenue Hoch near Parc Monceau, and shop the daily produce markets on Rue Poncelet. Sigh!

You can win an autographed copy of Hidden in France here, enter below now!

Parc Monceau in Paris a la fin du siecle

Parc Monceau in Paris today

Rue Poncelet in Paris

Corine Gantz' new book,
a delicious read!

How to enter? Trés simple!

1. follow Chic Provence here
2. like my FB page
3. follow my Twitter
4. leave a lovely message for me here

Two lucky winners will have the book sent directly to them by Corine herself!

By the way, go over to Hidden in France today and enter for a Paris weekend giveaway!!

Bon Chance!

**drawing to be held Monday evening PST 8 pm**


Merci pour la visite! ... Kit


  1. I would love to read this book. My interest is piqued.

  2. I "liked" your Facebook page.

  3. I would love a good book to escape into! Sounds like a good read, and who doesn't love Paris... Wish I was there now *sigh* Thanks for the opportunity to win this book.

    Rachel :)

  4. Thanks Spiral! Good luck winning the book, it is so much fun to read!



  5. Thanks Rachel, and good luck to you too.. meet you in Paris?



  6. I followed, liked, followed, and now leaving a lovely message; I love everything Paris and also love everything Provence. Now please let it be me! :)

  7. I love your blog, always been a follower. I love Paris, wish I was going! Thank you so much for the chance on your generous give away. The pictures are great, thanks for sharing.
    Lots of hugs. FABBY

  8. I would love to give this book to my favorite young Francophile, Madeleine.

  9. Merci all! I can't wait to send my baby to the winners!

    Corine @ hidden in france (author of Hidden in Paris)

  10. I follow your lovely blog, like you on FB and will be wonderful to win this book. I went to Paris few years ago and my house is decorate it with plenty of things from Paris. This will be a great book for my sofa table. Thanks for the opportunity to enter this beautiful giveaway!!!
    best regards,

  11. I follow your blog! And I also like your FB site! Hope I win!!

  12. I'm a follower and would love to read this book. Thanks for the chance.

  13. I follow your blog. This book is definitely on my reading list. I will keep my fingers crossed.

  14. I am a follower of your blog! yeah!

  15. Hi Kit! No need to enter me in the giveaway, thank you, but I wanted to let you know the Hidden In France link, in the sentence about the Paris trip contest, doesn't seem to be working. Thought you would like to check it. Best wishes to you from Provence!

  16. Was just going to say what Julie did...
    I already follow!

  17. And I follow you on Twitter!

  18. And...you are a FB favorite!
    Would love to read this.....!

  19. Robyn France10 September, 2011

    The book looks beautiful--and I am a lover of Parc Monceau and those fabu gold tipped gates. i enjoy your blog so much!! Thanks. Would truly soak that book up.

  20. I've been reading your blog for awhile--now I'm a follower, and since Hidden in Paris is on my list of books to read, I would love to win a copy!

  21. done, done & done :) - i have been a follower & fan of corine & hidden in france for such very long time! i nearly leaped off my chair with delight when i saw this giveaway!! xx's p.s. & done. ;)

  22. I am a brazilian blogger , aond i love to visite your blog.
    Paula Kasas

  23. I eagerly await every entry on your blog....so many wonderful photos!! The book looks beautiful and I would certainly love to own a copy.

    Thanks for your blog!!!

  24. I am follower, liked you on face book and I get you by email...how is THAT FOR showing you the love....Plus I really want the book...used to live near Parc Monceau and shop at Rue Poncelet.

  25. Wow! thank you everyone! I so appreciate your visiting and leaving comments... and you just might be the lucky winner!!

    Hope your Sunday has gone well... we have been outside most of the day when not glued to the TV watching 9/11 memorials all over the world..

    a bientôt!


  26. Kit I would love this book! Of course I am a follower!!


    Art by Karena

  27. I also Follow on Twitter and Like you very much on Facebook!!


    Art by Karena

  28. je decouvre votre site par twitter c'est magnifique j'aime beaucoup votre univers
    bonne journée

  29. Fingers crossed - I would love to win a copy!

  30. beautiful pictures!


  31. Oh how I miss Paris.
    Lovely photographs.
    Have a great weekend.

  32. Après avoir suspendu son activité pendant de longs mois, le laboratoire va pouvoir enfin reprendre ses publications sur son site officiel.


I would love to hear what you think! merci!