20 January 2012

A Fabulous Chic Provence Design Tour Giveaway from { Rough Linen }!

{ Enter Now to Win Fabulous Rough Linentm Table Linens! }

{ contest ends tonight at 9 pm PST }

Hello dear readers, I hope your holidays are full of peace and joy! Today I bring you a chance to win these stunning linens from Rough Linen... just in time for those post-holiday celebrations!

I'm very excited to tell you about this incredible Chic Provence Design Tour 2012 special giveaway!

The talented and very lovely Tricia Rose of Rough Linen has offered her gorgeous Orkney Linen tablecloth and eight napkins, proportioned to the size you need for your own table for a Chic Provence readers' drawing! Her linens evoke the spirit of the south of France and are handmade from the oldest fiber known...incredibly durable, chic and smart, you will use these linens for generations. To receive fabric samples from Tricia, go here.

Indeed Tricia was inspired in her linens business when  she lived in a Napoleonic fort turned fabulous home on one of the islands off the coast of Toulon in the Var. Can you believe anyone could be so lucky? Here are some views of her home; when you see these you will understand her love of all things natural. She lives by the sea still today where I have visited and had tea sitting out over the water. 

above are Tricia's stunning view from her home in the Var, the 
gorgeous herringbone floor inside her home, and a plan of the
home, once a Napoleanic fort

This incredible giveaway is to promote our extremely popular Chic Provence Design Tour Printemps 2012, in Provence. 


To win this chic, elegant tablecloth and 8 napkins (or its equivalent 
value of $250 in Tricia's other linens):

All you have to do to earn ONE chance in the drawing:
  • Follow Chic Provence
  • Like Chic Provence on Facebook
  • Follow Chic Provence on Twitter
  • Share this post on FB, Twitter and Blogger (icons below post)
  • Leave a comment here so I can place your name in the drawing!
To earn TWO chances in the drawing, do the above plus:
  • Place our Tour Button on your blog right away and link it to http://bit.ly/chicprovencetourprintemps2012
Finally, to earn THREE chances in the drawing, do the above plus:

Of course, I'll post a link on my blog to everyone who posts about a Chic Provence Design Tour just below my tour button on my right side. 

The drawing will be January 20, 2012. Tricia Rose will work with the lucky winner directly to give you exactly the gorgeous linens that your heart desires!

I am so grateful to everyone for helping me spread the word about our very popular Chic Provence Design Tour 2012! We've already sold many spaces so be sure to register before January 15 to get the $300 discount for early registration! Join us in l'Isle sur la Sorgue for an unforgettable journey in the heart of Provence, with a designer blogger as your guide and a very luxurious villa as your home!

This is your year to take time for YOU! Join us!

{ Bonne Chance! }


find me on Facebook
follow me on Twitter


Thank you so much for visiting Chic Provence... Kit


  1. Good Morning! I am now following you on Twitter!

  2. Hi Jenny, thanks! be sure to share using the buttons below, too! Good luck, and I know you've been a follower for a while...

    Happy healthy 2012 to you and yours!

    a bientôt!


  3. I'm trying to follow all the rules, but is it only open to bloggers? I created a Blogger account just to comply but it's not letting me share on Blogger without a blog and I'm not quite ready to jump in. Love the rough linen look, though!

  4. Hi Holly, thanks! No you don't need to be a blogger... just follow all the steps up to the Blogger part.. i.e. Tweet, FB, Follow, Comment.. and you are entered into the drawing for these really fabulous linens!

    Bonne Chance!


  5. Of course I'm a follower. What an awesome prize. Thanks for the chance to win.

  6. What a wonderful giveaway, especially since I love Rough Linen! And your tour sounds amazing, I'll be checking in to that as well.

    Thank you to both you and Tricia Rose for the chance to win!

    Kat :)

  7. Kit what a very special Giveaway from you and Tricia Rose!!

    I am a follower of course!

    Wishing you and yours all the best in 2012

    Art by Karena

  8. Oh Kit I also Like you on Facebook and Follow on Twitter!!

    Art by Karena

  9. A wonderful giveaway! I am a follower and like you on facebook. Di

  10. I have posted the Button for the Tour on my sidebar... http://cottage-wishes.blogspot.com

    Thanks Di

  11. Thank you Di, and good luck!

    Thank you Karena, Grammy and Kat too!



  12. Hello! I wish I could win that! beautiful!


  13. Bonne année! Love your blog and your design. Will share the word on your tour--I am a French nut--speak it, dream it, love France & teach French. Have a home with French flair but could really make an impact in the dining room with this rough linen tablecloth and napkins. Bonne chance à tous!

  14. Already signed up for your amazing trip to Provence ! Sounds like you have covered EVERYTHING to make this trip so special --- shopping the markets, cooking class, watercolors, photo tips and best of all, staying in that fabulous region with talented, interesting, fun women ...can hardly wait till spring. Still looking for a roommate for the trip---anyone interested (...and I don't even snore !)

    Keek (SW Michigan)

  15. Would love to win the tablecloth and napkins...........crossing my
    fingers and looking forward to going on the tour in May.

  16. Dear RobynFrance, Keek (!), and Anonymous,

    Thanks for entering this fab giveaway!

    Be sure to leave me your EMAIL ADDRESS in case you win!!!! Keek I have yours of course... and am thrilled you are coming with us!

    a bientôt and BONNE CHANCE !


  17. Doris, too! thanks for entering!

    Bonne Chance!


  18. Bonjour! Lovely giveaway. I follow you and get your email. Thanks!

  19. Love your blog! I am a Follower and email updates.

  20. I LOVE this table linens, just perfect for a summer al fresco lunch! Will keep my fingers crossed.

  21. Beautiful photos & linens dahhling...
    ¡¡Felíz Año Nuevo!!

  22. The view is fantastic. It sooths and refreshes the soul. Such an inspiration. Happy New Year!

  23. I Love this linen!! What a great give-away. The images is so inspiring as well. I wish everyone good luck.

    I will add a link in my blog.

    Friendly, Aina

  24. Lovely giveaway, Kit. I followed your tweet, via Twitter (of course) where I follow you.

    Happy New Year ~ Bonne Année

  25. A wonderful giveaway. I love it! Happy New Year Kit!!

    garden shed

  26. Found you on Modern Country, please sign me up for the great giveaway!

  27. I like chic provence on facebook. What a great giveaway! Love the linens.

  28. Love this! I:
    1. like you on facebook
    2. put a button on my blog
    3. posted about this on my blog: http://pancakeandlulu.blogspot.com/
    4. hope to win the beautiful linens!


  29. I love the linen table cloth. For the spring/summer, I have linen bedding for my bedroom. Love linen, wear it also. Love your blog and facebook photos. I will continue to follow you.

  30. I am a follower and I would so love to win this giveaway, Thanks, Stanna


  31. What a wonderful giveaway. I already follow you. Thank you

  32. Hi Kit,

    I'm always inspired by your beautiful blog and the Provence Tour sounds absolutely wonderful! To enter the drawing for the beautiful linens, I:

    - tweeted this post
    - posted it to facebook
    - posted on our blog http://www.roaringpajamas.com/provence-tour/

    Thanks again and Bonne Année!


  33. I just discovered your blog, and I love it. How lucky for me to discover it at time that you are having a give away...Hope you are having a truly beautiful start to the new year...

  34. What an awesome giveaway. I was on the Rough Linen site just yesterday looking at tablecloths! Cross fingers to win....I liked you on Facebook, added you to my RSS feed burner AND I've put your Provence Tour logo on my blog. Two entries? Should I post another comment to get the second entry? Robin

  35. Love your blog and the linen give away is to die for. Thanks and good luck on your tours. Someday I hope to join you.

  36. I am a follower already!

  37. Follower on Facebook.
    Isabelle Thornton

  38. Followed on twitter.


  39. Interesting article. Indeed an article worth reading for. The contents are indeed informative. Great choice of topic and the content are brief and concrete. It really helps my research.

  40. The harmony of colors, feelings, natural colors, natural, I have my house decorated with your ideas I think are wonderful and charming with you needed help I got it.

  41. thanks for the opportunity to win these fab linen set. you are liked/mentioned/plastered everywhere now!

  42. I think this is just fabulous, in love with everything, merci, merci, merci!!!!

  43. Almost can smell the lavender, the images are perfect.
    Wish you a great year.
    Warm hugs to you.

  44. This comment has been removed by the author.

  45. This is really informative post and we are able to know about comedians. It truly is most effective place for us to get pleasure from and get rid of tensions

  46. Hi! I'm a follower! I liked your FB and am not following you on twitter. Sorry I don't blog, I do follow and LOVE blogs.

  47. Following you on FB...sorry for missing this posting.

    Great luck to you all.


  48. Wow! Great giveaway. I follow on FB.

  49. Such a beautiful giveaway.. I can smell the
    lavender in your photo, one of my favorite
    thank you!

  50. Beautiful linens! I subscribed.
    Thanks, Jules

  51. What a wonderful giveaway! I'm visiting from BNOTP, and I'd love a chance to win this. I am now following through GFC.

  52. I've liked you on FB. Thank you for sharing such a generous giveaway.

  53. This is a wonderful giveaway! Tres Chic!
    Follow as veltara GFC
    Liked on Facebook
    Follow you on Twitter
    Share this post on FB and Twitter
    Thanks for the chance to bring Chic Provence to my table.

  54. Thanks for the chance to enter the drawing for the linens!

  55. What a great giveaway! I'm following you on Facebook now.

  56. I am a follower and would love this set. Thanks for the chance.

  57. i have become a follower...and i love linen so much. would love to win this...thanks for showing us the "stuff"!

  58. i'm a follower...i like you, adore you and if i had a blog you'd be there...thank you for such a great opportunity...

  59. New fan on facebook. thank you for the chance to win such a wonderful gift!!

  60. Absolutely beautiful linens!

  61. I have always loved linen and would love to decorate a table using a great linen set. Love your spot. Thanks for the chance to win.

  62. Oh my! What a wonderful giveaway! I love her things!!! I am a follower via GFC; I have LIKED you on FB and am following you on Twitter! Please count me in for the drawing! Thank you for hosting!

  63. What wonderful linen. I am a follower.

  64. What wonderful linen, would love to be the winner! I could use this on my old farmhouse table....Thanks for the chance at this giveaway.

  65. Just found you through BWOTP - wow, hundreds of hours of good reading - yay!

    I enjoyed the tour post - a dream come true. I left a comment there as well.

    This linen is to die for. LOOOOVE it.

    Thank you so much!

  66. Linen is my fav! Please enter me in your awesome contest.

    Maureen Richmond
    Decatur, GA

  67. I am now following you and would love to be the winner of this great give-away.

  68. Thank you for such a wonderful giveaway! I found you at Susan's BNOTP. I am looking forward to visiting France in this lifetime and would be so happy to begin with Provence. Please enter me in your drawing.
    ~ ~Ahrisha~ ~

  69. LOVE Rough Linen - looks so beautiful. Following you on Facebook - thanks for this opportunity. Please enter me in your drawing.....Arlene

  70. Please enter me in your fabulous Giveaway! Such wonderful linens... nothing like it on the table, they are truly divine. Yes I am a follower now and hope to see many future posts.

    Merci beau coup! Sherry

  71. I am a new follower of your blog. I love your style. Please enter me into your wonderful giveaway. Thank you so much for sharing

  72. I am a new follower and have placed a *like* on your facebook. I do not have a blog but I love all things French.
    Two years ago I missed out on a visit to Apt due to the Volcano eruption, we were visiting England at the time. We hope to remedy that and go later on this year.
    Thank you for hosting this giveaway.
    Merci, Meg

  73. I meant to add, that I came her via BNOTP!

  74. Terrie McMahan14 January, 2012

    Dearest Kit ~ What a delightful afternoon I've spent, curled up with a pot of tea and your beautiful site! It's been like reading a wonderful design or art book, and I wish I could display your work on my coffee table. Do please enter me in your lovely linen giveaway...I found you via Susan at BNOTP, and would love to ask her help in designing a table with these linens. Looking forward to being a part of your email family!

  75. I am a new follower. Would so love to be able to use those linens. Thanks,melin54@sbcglobal.net

  76. I am a huge fan of lavendar AND linens. Wonderful site!

  77. I am a new follower and have posted your blog button on my blog. Your Provence Tour sounds wonderful.

    Your linens are fabulous and a great giveaway. Please enter me in your amazing giveaway.

  78. Your tour sounds wonderful.

  79. I would love to be entered in this wonderful fiveaway!

  80. I am a longtime happy follower and just love this giveaway!

  81. What a great giveaway. I have completed the requirements!

  82. Love this fabulous giveaway, beautiful things!! Thanks! I am a new follower.

    Mary L

  83. I'm a follower and would love to win this give away!

  84. I am a follower and would love to win.

  85. I have been following your beautiful blog for awhile now. Fingers crossed.

  86. Like a sweet twitter bird, I have spread the word.

  87. I love linen and would love to win...


  88. I just "Liked" you on Facebook! Your linens are so unique and pretty! Keeping my fingers crossed. :)

  89. That sounds like the most fabulous house ever and I would LOVE to see pictures of the inside. And outside. And landscape. Lots of pictures :). I stopped by here from betweennapsontheporch, and I'd love to be entered in the giveaway - I love linen, and French design, and those table linens are particularly lovely! Enjoy the heck out of your tour this spring!

  90. Kit!
    Please throw my name it the hat!
    I am your newest follower!
    Thank you and Tricia Rose for the chance to win some "absolutely beautiful"!

  91. Lovely! I have some lovely 1930s linens I am trying to carefully clean and restore. I'd love to be able to set a table with these! -Josie

  92. How is this the first time I am hearing about your blog?! Love it and please add my name to your drawing.

  93. I follow on FB and would love a chance to win :)

  94. I am a new follower! Love your blog and so glad I found it!

  95. I also Liked ya on FB! I would so love to win this fabulous prize!

  96. Sharing on my blog sidebar!

  97. Oh my, so lovely but rustic! It would look beautiful on my farmhouse style table so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that my name is chosen. Thank you for offering such a generous giveaway.

  98. Fantastic linens! I love the look of slightly wrinkled linen, rustic and soft. When I saw your table, I thought, GREAT, now I can justify not ironing the Irish linen cloth I used yesterday! It worked because I also used a rough, sage colored burlap runner, but now I may just go without au natural! Thanks for entering me in your contest. ~CJ

  99. Kit, this looks like a trip of a life time! I have always wanted to visit France, but alas no money. Thank you for sharing this wonderful info. Debbie@adeltmail.com

  100. Beautiful table cloth! Would love to have it grace my table

  101. Beautiful table cloth! Would love to have it grace my table

  102. Oh, I love linen. Lovely giveaway, thanks! I've followed the steps to enter!

  103. OH I am so happy to have been led to your lovely blog! I will do some more exploring! This giveaway is a dream! I am your newest follower!
    Thank you for hosting,

  104. What a wonderful blog and drawing. I'm a follower! Thanks so much.

  105. Anything Frenchy-my 9th or 10th great grandfather left France (st pierre de bresolettes) in 1641 for New France-City of Quebec. The closest I've been to France was changing planes in Paris. Having some wonderful linen would be such a treat.

    Your button is prominately displayed on my blog.
    Thank you so much!!

  106. Kit - What a fabulously generous giveaway! I adore Tricia's luscious linens and would love to be able to create a beautiful tablescape with them! I'm your FB fan now!

    xoxo laurie

  107. I'm your newest happy follower of your great blog, too! ♥

    xoxo laurie

  108. I rode my bicycle from the very top to the very bottom of France in September. It was great. I hope I win.

  109. Just put your Tour button on my sidebar, Kit! Thanks again! ♥

    xoxo laurie

  110. I would love to be entered in the give away. What are the wonderful items mounted on the wall in the first photo. They look like antelers, but also branches. Just lovely. Dianne

  111. I followed you long ago, hope that means I am still eligible to win.
    Bonne année.
    X David, NYC

  112. I would love to have this. I'm linen obsessive.

  113. Love to be entered in the drawing. Thanks for the chance at something so beautiful.

  114. What a deelish giveaway. Would be thrilled to win. I'm following and liked you on Facebook too.

  115. I started following your blog, please sign me up for the giveaway! Patty/BC

  116. These linens make a beautiful elegantly casual tablescape.

  117. These linens make a beautiful elegantly casual tablescape.

  118. I "liked" you on Facebook and started to follow you here. I don't tweet.

  119. AnonymousJan 18, 2012 10:22 AM

    I have sent your site to my daughter regarding your tour as she and a friend went to Paris for two weeks last year, loved it, and I think both of them would love your planned trip as they have not been to this area of France as yet. My husband (French Canadian) and I often talked about moving there when the children were younger, but alas it didnot happen. Came over from Between Naps on the Porch.

    I know of the Orkney area and linen is a wonderful natural product and would be wonderful to be the winner. Thank the sponsor and to you for offering this giveaway.

    New to your site and have you as a favorite now. I will keep abreast of your trip this way, n'est-ce pas? I do not have a blog.

    ~Sylvia Fay

  120. I'm a new follower! thanks for the giveaway opportunity!

  121. Oooh, I would love to win this - lot the rustic look!

  122. What a gracious giveaway. Thanks so much for the chance! Linen is my most favorite fabric by far! I have some of my grandmother's linens and nothing ages as well or wears as well. Thanks again. Bonne Chance a tous!

  123. I follow! This is FABULOUS!
    I know this probably makes me crazy, but I'm giving away TWO Santos Crowns and SIX Ex Voto Hearts on my blog!

    ~Mikey @ Shabby French Cottage

  124. I love real linen and would love to be entered in the drawing. I'm not very tech savvy, but I'm trying to figure out how to do all the following, posting, etc.

  125. I am now a follower of your blog and happy to have found it! Would so enjoy having new linens :)

  126. I love anything in natural linen & cottons.
    So please to have discovered your blog. I am huge fan of anything provincial & have had many great holidays in Provence. I just signed as your latest follower & I look forward to popping by for more more inspiration!

  127. The Rough Linens are heaven! Count me in. I love your blog--am so happy to have found it through French Essence. Will "like" you too on FB!

  128. I got the sample from Rough Linen about 2 months ago but have not yet ordered....Christmas took my money. Would LOVE to win. Just became a new follower of your blog today. Very excited about reading your past posts.

  129. Just discovered your blog thanks to French Essence. I'm a follower now and will be posting about your tour on my little blog project.

  130. Thanks for the chance to win!


  131. Thank you for the chance to win such lovely linens! Wish I could join your tour, it sounds fabulous!! I love that 'French Essence' promoted it today --- gotta love the blog world!

  132. I'm an Australian Francophile and discovered your blog through French Essence. I really enjoyed your past posts ....a delicious break in a frantic back-to-school week here!
    Happy New Year!

  133. Hoping that I am not too late to enter the contest. I thought I had already done so, but maybe not...Would love to have these perfectly beautiful linens for my table.
    Also, I love you blog...thank you!!!

  134. I'm an Australian Francophile and discovered your blog through French Essence. I really enjoyed your past posts ....a delicious break in a frantic back-to-school week here!
    Happy New Year!

  135. I'm an Australian Francophile and discovered your blog through French Essence. I really enjoyed your past posts ....a delicious break in a frantic back-to-school week here!
    Happy New Year!

  136. I'm an Australian Francophile and discovered your blog through French Essence. I really enjoyed your past posts ....a delicious break in a frantic back-to-school week here!
    Happy New Year!

  137. Your linens are beautiful! I am so happy to have found you thru French Essence.

  138. Me, Me Me!!! pick me!!! Thank you for linking to the Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop Linky Party at Katherines Corner. Hugs and smooches and wishes for a wonderful weekend! P.S> yes I am a happy follower :-)

  139. Oh yes.. this Rough Linen look is so Moi!! thank you for opportunity.. I'm a French Romantic as well.. live in Brisbane.. I'm a follower of your blog now.. and connected to your twitter..oooh.. pick me.. pick me.. ps..your trips looks amazing.. who knows maybe one day?...

  140. nice post. Now you can use this business 2 business in india list to promote table linen import & export business.

  141. What a beautiful post! I went crazy for the 1st photo; so inspiring;
    have a great day,
    Jenah xo

  142. Après avoir suspendu son activité pendant de longs mois, le laboratoire va pouvoir enfin reprendre ses publications sur son site officiel.

  143. it is so beautiful. http://www.vansstore.biz

  144. Really impressed! Everything is very, very clear, open is a description of the problem. It contains the information.

  145. I am following ChicProvence on FB!


I would love to hear what you think! merci!