21 December 2011

Christmas Chez Nous

Lovely Christmastime is here again! This year I was inspired by the light... since we've had a nice little run of really good weather,  the light has not been gloomy and dark, even for Winter Solstice time. I wanted to capture the pretty light of day and infuse our home with it's cheerfulness even at night. 

Using things found, I pulled together our Christmas home in no time at all... the perfect setting for our Christmas Eve dungeness crab feast and Christmas morning brunch. 

Hoping your holiday is filled with light, warmth, love and peace!

this simple green wreath adorned only with pinecones
is a refreshing sight in front of the mirror

the Christmas tree peeking around the corner to 
see what all the fuss in the dining room is!

the mantel holds fresh white tulips in vintage glass

the mid-century star keeps company with the
rare pink coral and the silver fish on the

the lovely Christmas Tree 2011! I just wanted to use
green and white, and these giant balls were the
perfect choice (from my stash of ornaments, that is!);
I tucked white starfish in the branches
and we're done!

this old French painting of a battle scene (inherited!) 
sets a somber & serious tone... so I used
antique paper Chinese lanterns,  pink peonies and
Mexican angels 
to lighten the mood; flanking the painting are
 wrought iron peacock door panels

silver pitchers holding peonies reflect
the light and bounces in back into the room

dining room is ready for the festivities! 

I started to create a flowery centerpiece then I decided I 
really like the simple beauty of the
way the bottles of water capture and disperse the light
and left it at that

Christmas place settings using vintage pieces:  
French flea market silverware,
 the dishes (you've certainly seen a lot of those Minton
dishes I scored at l'Isle sur la Sorgue last Easter!)
 and the heavy 60's goblet


thank you for visiting, today and always!


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  1. Very pretty, Kit! Wishing you a lovely Christmas; your home certainly looks beautiful~

  2. Andrea thanks so much! lovely to hear from you... and wishing you a joyful Christmas indeed!



  3. So beautiful Kit!!
    Merry Christmas to you!!

  4. what a lovely home and decor! our blog is really wonderful....have a great christmas!!

  5. Lovely tablescape. I admire how you mix and match to such stunning and welcoming effect! I'm taking notes...(Merry Christmas!)

  6. Hi Kit: Those water bottles are great, esp. the way the light hits them!
    And your tree: nice and simple does it, for me... some of the trees we see in blogland are so overdone: not an inch is left untouched. Yours is wonderfully "underdone" and oh so lovely!
    Thanks also for the emails and contact etc.: Delana just got back in U.S. yesterday but we will be talking after Christmas. Yes ! we are interested, I can speak for both of us.
    In the meantime, have a joyous Christmas! Is your newly married daughter there too? We go to D.C. to see ours on Saturday.
    Joyeux Noel!

  7. What a beautiful way to decorate your house with all the lights and colors.
    Love all your photos too! Happy Holidays. Love, Jody

  8. Your home is absolutely gorgeous!
    Love all your special touches!!!
    Merry Christmas

  9. Your home is absolutely lovely Kit. I can't think of a more beautiful home to celebrate the holidays.

    Thank you for being so good @ reading my blog throughout the year. It means the world to me!

    Wishing you Goodwill and Glad Tidings for the New Year.

    Merry Christmas Kit!

    xo Deb

  10. WOW!!! What a beautiful home - I knew it would be stunning! Thanks for your sweet remark... coming from the guru of design and everything French I'm flattered!
    I hope you and your beautiful family have a wonderful Holiday Season and a wonderful New Year!!!


  11. You have a very, very pretty home, and the decor you chose for this holiday season is beautiful! I love the simple wreath in front of the mirror and the colors used on your Christmas tree. You have created a very soothing, serene environment that will make for a wonderful, peaceful enjoyment of the holidays. Merry Christmas to you and your family from our house!

  12. Beautiful! The water bottles make a clever centerpiece that creates transparency and reflects the light. You have a nice balance of simplicity and attention to detail.

  13. Absolutely beautiful light filled holiday decorations dahhling!

  14. Après avoir suspendu son activité pendant de longs mois, le laboratoire va pouvoir enfin reprendre ses publications sur son site officiel.


I would love to hear what you think! merci!