24 March 2012


For some, this has been a very dark winter. Celebrate the coming of spring and the arrival of hope with these delicate and charmingly innocent illustrations. They will make your heart sing! They are the work of our lovely and creative niece, Lina Safar, who recently lost her dear father. Lina illustrates children's books and is a talented artist and linguist. We are very lucky to have her in our family!

Hold your little ones close to you!


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thanks for visiting...  Kit


  1. Oh look at those illustrations! She is amazingly talented!

    I am so truly sorry she has lost her father. My daughters lost their father to cancer at young ages, too, and it is so difficult.

    I wish her the very best of luck - I would love to have her make those sissy making tea for sick brother into a Get Well Card! I have so many tea party friends that would be perfect for giving when they have fallen ill.

    Thank you, was a very sweet post.

    Happy Springtime to you and yours!

  2. HI Michele, thanks so much for visiting.. so sweet of you, and you do understand..

    xoxo to you


  3. Dear Kit .... that is such a beautiful story and the illustrations are gorgeous! So sad about her Dad .... hope you are well and looking forward to your Chic Provence Tour! Make sure you take lots of pictures for me!
    best wishes always
    Franny xx

  4. Kit these are adorable illustrations. Your niece is very talented! Thank you so much for sharing.

    I hope you will come and see my feature on an amazing sculptor!

    Art by Karena
    Artists Series 2012

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    1. Kit, These are very precious and they made me smile! Sorry for your niece's loss. Thanks for sharing these sweet illustrations with us. Debbie

  6. So sweet for a sunny spring day. Your niece is very talented!!

  7. What a talented painter she is! She could also do custom painting on nursery or children's bedroom walls! Thanks for sharing, I wish her the best.

    New England-Style.com

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