07 April 2012

Provence Spring & Tomato-Tapenade Tart with Goat Butter Crust!

Hope your weekend is wonderful.. I'm spending a relaxing day with Chris and Nicky chez nous, having walked already to the local farmers market and planning a springtime feast for a leisurely Sunday lunch, we've been listening to extravagant Italian opera on Sirius all day long. Throughout the day I've been peeking at pictures of Provence, and dreaming about being back there there next month! Who isn't captivated by the beautiful colors and settings in Provence?

stunning use of pink on pink in this beautiful window

lavender growing in the haute Luberon.. magical

magenta, anyone? fearless use of glorious color against
all that stone and stucco

somehow I could easily see whiling away several hours in this very spot.. join me?

could anything be more welcoming than this pretty
entryway with bougainvillea and geraniums, a greenish
door and sparking white trim?

un verre de bandol, svp?

Bandol, the beloved rose colored vin de provence;
best served quite chilled when the temperatures
are soaring!

sophisticated pink plays off the rustic
unfinished and weathered doorway

this "les olivades" table cloth
strikes just the perfectly
artless note for your springtime table

you can just feel the warmth and hear the cigales buzzing in this setting where time slows down and old linen is on all the beds

le cigale.. the beloved  bug of Provence! you
see it everywhere in ceramic figurines, decorative
painting, table linens.. 
un peu cheesy but really adorable :)

This is the meal I ended up serving friends for dinner... 
what do you think? Would you like to join us 
next time?

Sunday lunch au printemps

Provençal Tapenade-Tomato Tart with Goat Butter Crust *
Pan Seared Lamb Provençal Style with Garlic and Rosemary
Smashed Red Bliss Potatoes
Roasted Asparagus
Spring Garden Salad 

Strawberries Pomegranate
with Pomegranate Chantilly and
Gateau Quatre Quarts 

*gluten free and delicious
tomato-tapenade tart

from the brilliant baker Karen Morgan's


no,  just in case you thought it was, this isn't
me and Chris at the market... it's the
amazing Ben & Jen and they are carrying
my friend Andrea's
French Basketeer 
market basket!
Buy your own at Andrea's site! 

most images above
Pinterest.. of course!


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thanks for visiting...  Kit


  1. Glorious colors! The "olivades" tablecloth fabric reminds me of the Lotta Jansdotter fabric series. We can make our own now. http://www.windhamfabrics.net/cgi-bin/fabricshop/gallery.cgi

  2. Hey Claire, great idea!

    Happy Easter


  3. Gorgeous colors and images. I'm literally drooling on the floor.

    1. Hi Spiral, Happy Easter! the colors are perfect for this day, non? thanks for visiting!



  4. Kit the colors of Provence are a delight! Also thank you so much for featuring our friend Andrea!

    Have a Blessed Day!

    I hope you will enter my precious Giveaway from the Cross Bottle Guy!

    Art by Karena

    1. Karena thanks for visiting! and I just entered your giveaway, fingers crossed big time!

      To everyone else, drop everything and go over to Karena's site and check out the gorgeous bottles, incredibly creative works!



  5. Hi Kit: Gorgeous colors...love all the magenta!
    Did you ever get the email I sent 3/29? Wanted to follow up re. a Giveaway etc. Look forward to hearing from you!

    1. HI Libby yes I'd love to! I'll circle back to you via email.. thanks for visiting my friend!



  6. Dearest Kit ... Happy Easter and how gorgeous is that lavender!!!! I can't wait for your trip even though I won't be there .... maybe you could skype me from the south of France!!! I hope you had a wonderful Easter .... my best wishes always
    Franny xxxxx

    1. HI Franny I will Skype you! email me your number!



  7. Oh dear Kit, what a fabulous post!! Oh you do make me dream of Provence! I don't know yet if we are gonna make it to travel this year! We have so much to do for business! But seeing these gorgeous images, I am dreaming away... and I need a break! Oh yes, Provence, a heavenly place on earth!
    Thanks for sharing Kit and thank you so much for your comment on my latest blogpost!

  8. Loved this post! The perfect warm-up to my own trip to Provence in May. Can't wait to hit my favorite wine merchant in Old Nice, where there's lots of that rosé Bandol that's otherwise hard to find north of the Alps! (And your tomato-tapenade tart -- mmm. Now I don't think I've seen that on the menus in Provence / Côte d'Azur up till now, unfortuntately. Sounds divine.
    All the best,

  9. I am dazzled by your pictures. All that gorgeous PINK!

  10. Gorgeous photos! I love the window!

  11. I just stumbled across your blog and fell in love - what a beautiful array of images to pause upon! Thanks so much for sharing... I am your newest follower! xoxox Jalon

  12. Hello! I've just stumbled upon your lovely blog! What amazing photos! What an eye for colour you have! We love the south of France , how lucky are you ....

  13. I am back Kit to let you know...xoxo

    I have a $100 Gift Card Giveaway from Soft Surroundings if you would like to enter!!

    Art by Karena

  14. Such beautiful images...thanks for sharing!

  15. ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS.... and i was drooling over the tart... and now i learn it is gluten free???? you are a gem.... RUNNING to get the recipe.... these images are unreal... RUNNING TO PINTEREST... or as most call it... the rabbit hole... missing my friend and hope you are wondrful xoxoxoxo

  16. If only I could climb into one of these photos!

  17. LOVELY PICS:) Im obssesed with lavender...I really like your blog and will happily follow. If you want some swedish country decor inspiration, you can check out my blog:)
    Have a great week.

    LOVE Maria at inredningsvis.se


I would love to hear what you think! merci!