13 June 2012

Perimeter Check Early June

Bonjour tout le monde! Hope this June day finds you happy and thriving! Early this morning, about 5 am, Nicky and I went out into the garden, coffee in hand (me), bone in mouth (Nicky), to do our daily "perimeter check" of the property. We need to make sure no pesky raccoons are sleeping in the greenhouse and that our garden is still intact!

two stools right where I left them two days ago

and there's the rake, right where I left it two days ago :)

the tiny newborn tomatoes are holding their own in the garden

the greenhouse is being put to good use this year: basil, tarragon and edamame are starting in there!

the strawberry pot.. full of charm and so far, little else!

the first blush of ripening on the Santa Marias

two birds nests found while gardening this weekend... the one on the left is lined with
Nicky's soft hair, incredible birds!

all photos by Kit Golson


thanks for visiting!... Kit


  1. You appear to have some unique tomoato cages. Things seem to be growing right along.

  2. Your tomatoes are much further along than mine Kit! Don't you just love 'walking the bounds' early in the morning - what would you have done if you HAD found a raccoon?

  3. Anonymous15 June, 2012

    loved the stroll through your gardens! Your tomato plant looks so good...unfortunately one of the critters out here loved mine too much and ate the baby tomatoes. I may have to start over. Lovely blog. :)


I would love to hear what you think! merci!