10 August 2012

A Flea for Another Reason

Sometimes you go to a flea market because it's been five long weeks since you've seen your daughter, and she really wants to go. So on a chilly, drizzly Sunday morning after a delicious breakfast of eggs benedict (her treat!), off we went to our favorite little flea, the scrappy little Alemany Flea Market below the intersection of 101 and 280 in San Francisco.

While the rest of the northern hemisphere is suffering a broiling heat wave, once again here in San Francisco on an August morning we donned our sweaters, scarves and sturdy shoes for tromping around the flea.

There was kind of a "
take it or leave it" mood at the market Sunday.. nothing compellingly forced its way into my drifting and dreaming mind, heady with steady chatter with my darling daughter... but even my subconscious mind was able to spot some truly wonderful little bargains and I snapped them up without even skipping a beat in our conversations!

my finds for the day: a vintage record cart in blue; a beautiful
carved wooden bowl and a wonderful calcite

the little escutcheon on my wonderful vintage 50's record album stand

I am a sucker for anything in this gorgeous translucent blue-green and
this calcite at $5 made my heart sing!

ok people, this is a real steal! for another $5, this wonderfully
etched rustic wooden centerpiece bowl came home with moi!

a girl cannot have enough St. Emilion 1955 vintage wine boxes in her collection; nor enough
vintage April Cornell table cloths for summer outdoor evenings

the Alemany Flea just below the row of yellow green houses on the hillside in the south of
San Francisco... other days this is the site for a fabulous farmer's and fish mongers market

I let this Japanese warrior armor go.. even though it really appeals to me for some reason!

also let these jade birds go, and the pretty covered bowl..

still can't believe I let these wonderful fish molds go, or
the beautiful handmade 50's pottery...

a very cool vintage French cheeses poster also languished at the market waiting for its new home...

perfectly aged wrought iron garden pieces... somedays you let things go
because you just can't fit them into the back of the Soul!

a pretty perspective on the entrance to the Alemany Flea.. on a very
cloudy, chilly, gloomy and drizzly day in August!

a chilly, drizzly Sunday in August...
the Alemany Flea Market is always smaller (and the deals are better)
on the first Sunday of the month, which is when the much,
much larger Alameda Flea Market happens across the Bay.. a real
project to attend since it is huge and generally far more expensive


Thank you to everyone who was so very supportive over the last month while I was away helping my Mom... she is doing remarkably well. She is feisty, nimble and quick; she danced around the floor when we brought her home from Rehab. She is back to her old tricks: staying up until the wee hours watching old movies, sleeping in until 11 am, having her leisurely breakfast and lunch, then burning her chicken dinner! Good to have you home, Mom!

And it's good to be back home, and back to at least a blog post or two! Hope your summer has been going spectacularly!

Thanks so much for visiting!... Kit


  1. What wonderful flea market items. And your blog makes me want to venture north and check out this lovely Bay Area market. How lucky you are to be so close to it. Earlier this year, I made the trip to the flea market in Nice, France. Please enjoy these virtual treasures. (chezsabine.com) Terrific blog you have. Thanks!

  2. Well yellow Sabine! thanks for the visit..I am now following your fabulous blog.. wish you lived up north here with us! but I guess Laguna is not so bad... stay in touch!

    a bientôt


    1. That's "hello" Sabine, not "yellow".... autocorrect, sheesh!

  3. Glad to hear your mother is doing so well Kit - and setting a good example of living to the beat of her own drum!

    1. Thank you Tricia!! and oh yes she definitely hears her own drumbeat!

  4. OMG I absolutely ADORE that St. Emilion wine crate - one of the places my father and I visited many years ago. He's been gone now 12 years but it seems like yesterday he and I were raising our glasses there........

    You don't by any chance SELL your awesome treasures do you?????

    1. HI Michele, as a matter of fact, I am setting up an Etsy shop! if you are serious about the wine box email me!!

      Thanks for the visit!


  5. How fun! I love all your treasures. I'm might have taken the cheese poster home too.

  6. HI Deborah I came very close, it is a little treasure...


  7. And good to have you back home again, Kit.

  8. Great finds Kit... Love your record stand... how cool is that? SO glad to hear that your Mum is on the mend... xv

  9. Kit we really DO love the same things!

    First though I am so glad your Mother is doing better, just getting out of surgery and the rehab facility myself!

    I would have picked all of your wonderful finds, the wooden bowl, centerpiece, St Emilion crate, and the calcite are my faves! I cannot wait to see your new Etsy Shop!

    Art by Karena
    2012 Artists Series

  10. Here in Rome we have the famous Porta Portese Sunday flea market, it's very close to our house so we go there often. It's close to 107 degrees F here at the moment, a real tropical heat wave, they call it African heat. I am following you, have a nice weekend!

  11. Great to hear your mom is dancing a jig again... and so nice to see your finds at the flea market.. wish I was there.. regards Jean n Brisbane

  12. I didn't know that your mother had surgery! Glad to hear she is doing well. Does she still live in the same house in Tallahassee? Hope you are doing well. And I love reading your Blog!

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I would love to hear what you think! merci!