04 October 2012

Misty Morning in Provence

One of our greatest joys in Provence is to follow "le route du petit ecolier"... or the "way of the little schoolboy" who cannot walk home in a straight line! Instead we take to the little car, map in hand, and set out to see what we might see with no particular destination in mind, and start wandering ourselves. 

This time we headed up the Luberon Mountains in the Vaucluse and climbed our way up to the small, very quiet village of Murs (so tiny there is little even on wiki about Murs!). Here we saw the stark beauty of stone buildings against fields of green, and a XV C. castle which was closed to visitors. We were there on a misty early morning in spring, and found ourselves virtually alone in the village... not another soul in sight!

It was an altogether peaceful little wander that morning... restorative and very easy on the eyes! Come with us!

beautifully stark, this plain arched and whitewashed stable door caught my eye

stone buildings in the village include the mayors office,
the dark blue shuttered "town houses" and the light blue
shuttered restored XV C. castle

a shrine to the Blessed Virgin welcomes travelers
to the entrance of the village of Murs in Provence

oh, the difficulty of deciding just which
road to take!

an ancient "borie" also greets visitors
to the village of Murs.. these structures
dot the landscape all over Provence and
once sheltered sheep herders

stunning curved and tiled ancient old roofs of the
homes in Murs, Provence

one of the grander doorways in the village, this
one has an awning covering the opening

it was not easy to find "un cafe et une croissant" in this little village
but we managed 

we stopped in the nearby church to see the
rustic polychrome interior, the statues of
the saints, and the crumbling walls
with ancient decorations

thanks for visiting!... Kit


  1. Sooo beautiful. So many great images. Love the little greeting hut.

  2. Thank you for this wonderful *balade*!

    ♥ Franka

  3. That looks beautiful and very peaceful. The interior of that church is amazing, those old tiles are so beautiful in all their faded glory. Wonderful images. xo

  4. I like landskape like this ;)

  5. Oh so lovely! I am SO sorry not to have been in the South this time, if only for views like this. oxox

  6. I love your photos! They are so dreamy and beautiful! Best wishes!

  7. Frenchie from provence05 October, 2012

    Oh oh, it is not a borie, it simply a well build with stone and a door to protect the water ;)

  8. Lovely post, Kit--we have passed the signpost to Murs often and now we know what is up that road. Thank you so much!!

  9. I know Murs quite well - and you've done it justice most beautifully!

  10. apologies, I think I over-fed the fish :-)

  11. This blog is very well written and I appreciate your efforts.. Keep up the good work.


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