25 October 2012

You Know It's Fall Here When.... {includes recipe for Grey Whale Pear Custard Pie}

...as surely as the squirrels outside your window are burying acorns, 
Southern Girls everywhere in the world get a primal urge to polish the silver...

...the rains begin after 7 months of dry weather to drench the back yard...

...these things start showing up all over
the sidewalks (magnolia flower seed pods?)...

...my shadow takes on an ominously tall and otherworldly look...

...while the hydrangeas take on that coppery look..

...and Nicky begins to find skeletons in neighbor's yards...

...oak leaves settle on my lavender picnic table after the first rain...

...and Mia's gorgeous grapes fall in bunches like this little beauty...

...the heirloom tomatoes are ridiculously delicious...

...Chinese bitter melon and eggplants appear at 
the farmers' market... (it really is bitter, I tried them!)...

...the ubiquitous pumpkin kissed by nature's palette shows up everywhere...

...grapes of all varieties are harvested with 
abandon all over the area...

...while over at the beach, a lone surfer walks out of 
the sea as if to say.. "when is summer coming back?" 
while Nicky watches intently... 

...the beach already looks deserted for the winter...
...except for all the birds! ...

...you know it's autumn when Nicky burrows under the
down comforter in the daybed and claims it for his own...

...and finally, you know it's autumn when I make this 
incredibly delicious and eeeasy Pear Custard Pie (no dairy!).. circa
1987 from the Gray Whale Resto in Inverness, CA...

How's it going in your part of the world? 



Thanks for visiting!   Kit

all photos Kit's iPhone

I am very happy for you to download and use my photos..
please give credit and link back to me when you do!


  1. Beautiful photos Kit! Isn't the rain wonderful?

    Most of all I love listening to the weather from my cosy bed - and wearing socks and boots again, and soft woollen jackets. Soft sea mist every morning. Putting my garden to bed. This is my favorite season.

    1. Tricia I can just see you there by the sea on your porch with the mist all around (so good for la peau!).. time for a tea now we are all cosy again? Thanks for visiting.. see you soon xo K

  2. Hello Kit! What a beautiful post! I love it! And your dog is soooo sweet! I like the photo on the beach with the birds! Best wishes, Geli

    1. HI Geli! thanks so much, I will tell Nicky! he is a really wonderful little doggie..hope all is well with you



  3. Kit all wonderfully autumn beauty, images! I love when every part of the country has a slightly different perspective on my fave season!

    Art by Karena

  4. Love the photos, but most of all that pear tart, Kit!! Are we invited? 8)


I would love to hear what you think! merci!