19 February 2013

Eat a Frog

On this Tuesday that feels like a 
Monday, after a lovely holiday yesterday, 
I'm off to eat frogs this morning:  
organize my taxes, pay my bills, 
answer overdue correspondence, 
bill clients, organize design library.... 

How about you?
Do you have any frogs to eat this morning?


Consider joining us in Provence... 
you need this, cherie!
more information about 

we still have a couple of spaces left!



  1. Do I have to eat frogs!!! merciless clients, unethical vendors, work problems...I am devouring an entire nation of frog...except that..I can't eat frogs...i love their chirping announcing spring.

  2. HI Francine I can just picture you taking a moment to ponder just how many frogs you can eat in one setting!! :) have a productive day!


  3. Hello Kit! Oh yes ... A lot of frogs for me this year! I want to change a lot in my life and that' s always hard you know! I wish you a lovely week and no frogs! With love, Geli

  4. Yes, I have one or two frogs after breakfast each day....get the bad stuff out of the way. I'm sending you something today to cheer you anyway. I met one of your Provence friends yesterday!

  5. That's so funny--my grandma used to say,
    "Eat a frog first thing in the day, and nothing worse can happen!"


I would love to hear what you think! merci!