10 June 2013

Come on, let's go....

...prowling through one of the most fabulous vintage Provençal fabric shops in all of Provence, if not all of France... la Boutique de Francine in Isle sur la Sorgue is a thrilling find to those of us who adore the gently worn and immensely appealing look and feel of these beautiful, venerable old textiles. 

Madame's shop is huge, a storefront which at first glance looks pretty modest and unassuming.  Once you enter, you are captivated by the sheer volume of fabrics, arrayed by type and color, and punctuated by antique glass and housewares. 

Linger long enough and you will find...nearly hidden between huge shelves bulging with bolts... a small doorway that leads to an enormous warehouse in back, packed to the rafters with vintage fabrics, linens, quilts, bolts, pillow cover, clothing. Madame has spent a lifetime amassing an enormous collection... much to the delight of our designing hearts!

this little area holds some delightful toiles de jouy, some made into small pillows

even a small fragment of this stunning
antique jacquard is frame-worthy

this little pillow is made to showcase a wonderful fragment of 18th C. toile de jouy

beautiful old quilts, laundered and folded are casually displayed in the shop and welcome 
your touch... aren't they inviting? 

every here and there Madame breaks up the oceans of fabrics with lovely
antique glassware, dishes and household things from bygone eras

ribbons and trims are everywhere!

vintage night gowns in cottons and linens

antique hand made lace crocheted and tatted

lovely sight in the back warehouse room, old basket next to stacks and stacks
of vintage linens of every size

these old fabrics have been over dyed in modern colors
to a wonderful, fresh effect!

These books below will help you make great use of these wonderful old French fabrics (and even give suggestions on where to find fabrics that just look old & French) and are great gifts for your Provence-loving friends or for a special someone who loves to sew and craft beautiful things...perfect!  Enjoy!

for inspiration in how to use these wonderful fabrics,
try Kaari Meng's gorgeous books... this one is
French General Home Sewn, available HERE
another French General book,
try Kaari Meng's gorgeous books... this one is
Treasured Notions, available HERE

and Kaari Meng's signature book complete with inspiration and
practical advice and tools... this one is
The French-Inspired Home, available HERE

Come with us next time!

for info click HERE


  1. I must come next year for the fabrics!

    1. Claire you would adore this shop!! ok must come! xoxo Kit

  2. The worn fabrics look beautiful. I also have started collecting platters. A couple of nice ones displayed there! I would love to be on next years tour!

    1. Hi Annabelle... there so many wonderful shops to browse.. you will find gorgeous things for your collection I promise! a bientot Kit

  3. Hi Kit,
    I would love to browse this shop. Everything is really lovely. Makes a summer vacations feeling. Thank you for sharing and best greetings,

    1. Hello Johanna thanks so much for visiting and your comments... the shop does evoke a kind of gone on vacation feeling, the fabrics are so inviting and useable... best to you too


  4. Oh my - such luscious fabrics and laces! It's all so inspiring to me, especially the red and white. Love, love, love. :-)

    1. Hi Tart! yes yes yes you would love this place so much... and the knowledgeable connoisseur of fabrics can tell you everything about each fabric that you want to know... thanks for visiting and see you soon!
      xo Kit

  5. Mon Dieu, I think I've died and gone to heaven!

  6. Kit you find the most wonderful shops to take the people on your tours!
    I adore all of these vintage fabrics linens, quilts and trims!

    Art by Karena
    Giveaway from Splendid Sass!

  7. I would love to come on one of your tours... I love vintage textiles. I will be on the hunt for them in a few months while in Paris.
    xoxo, B

  8. OMG, Kit. The first photo with the toile...I bought the blue pieces on the bottom left and the purple toile on the bottom right!!! I am working on a post now for next week all about Madame Francine and my great finds. I'll definitely link to your post!

  9. It’s truly superb! My, I wish I could go there this very instance. I really would love to take a look of all her vintage and antique stuff. It’s really stunning and breathtaking! It felt I’m gasping for a whole lot of air while viewing the fabrics, linens and other wall hangings. So really thankful for this.


  10. Hi...I just wanted to stop by and let you know of a giveaway being hosted by Koralee of "bluebird notes" blog to help celebrate the opening of my Etsy shop: Daisy Pink Wish.....if you have the time, please visit....we would love to see you enter!

  11. There really is nothing more delightful than being able to gentle run your hands through amazing fabrics. This is like a little of the path Wonderland with all of its little doors and knick knacks.


  12. DEAR KIT

    Such an inspiring post.

    I especially like the overdyed fabrics...as you noted a divine way of adding freshness and newness to antique fabrics. I'd love to see them used with flair.
    happy days and hope to see you soon, DIANE

  13. These are some very beautiful textiles. I really like the eighteenth century pillow included in your photo, very interesting. I am a fan of antique dishes and glassware. I am also a fan of the over dyed fabrics. I would really love to have an opportunity to visit this shop.

    My homepage: http://online-phd-uk.co.uk/

  14. interesting to read thank you I really liked your article I love your beautiful blog and so enjoy your posts.good job

  15. Kit--this is the most fun post. I adore the green chemistry jugs with the painted strip background--just beuatiful--are the jugs French--I haven't seen any like that before.

  16. I love how organized everything is. Everything has a place and I love this because it makes it so much easier on the shopper to find what they are looking for.


I would love to hear what you think! merci!