01 September 2013

{ seriously breathtaking }

I know, I know summer is winding down. It's all over the blogosphere. Some are happy to see September arrive, with her airs of "time to get back to business"... and I can relate to that. But if it's just a little too soon to think that way, if you want to keep that esprit d'ete going just a little while longer, I invite you to feast your senses on Manuel Canovas' latest collection. Unmistakably French in style, Canovas expertly takes 18th Century French style and re-interprets it for contemporary moods. 

These spirited patterns and colors will revive the chilliest, most somber of moods. Get over there and get happy... are they not delicious? Don't you agree now you can have summer with you through the grey months too?

a very Happy Sunday to you!


  1. I love this, for winter is when I break out my brightest colors to keep things cheery. :-) It's Spring here in Australia and I'm loving every second of it. :-)

  2. Love those fabrics and colours and they would indeed be great to lift my mood during the dark months. I cannot believe it's September already, I'm just not ready yet to say goodbye to summer... xo

  3. Gorgeous colors...all of them. I will have to pin to my boards!

  4. Summer and grey, such a lovely story you tell today, Kit!
    I am not yet ready to let go of this glorious Summer, either!
    That's why I am bringing lemon drop cupcakes (made with fresh lemons sunny Limoncello) to the Labor Day picnic!
    I love your blog! I have been following for awhile.

  5. Fabulous colours, I think I actually like the orange best. I love white and airy rooms, but they can feel very cold and upholstering beautiful French style furniture can be the perfect way to add a pop of colour and style into a room :O)


I would love to hear what you think! merci!