28 October 2013

Announcing our Chic Provence Design Tour Spring 2014!!

Where on earth have I been, you might be asking yourself! Well, I've been very busy putting finishing touches on next year's Chic Provence Design Tour Printemps 2014! So many of you have asked me for details about next spring's Tour, so I'm announcing earlier this year! 

You must come with us to Provence next spring! Nothing will put you in better spirits than knowing that you, cheriewill be exploring Provençal markets, chic shops and brocantes to your heart's content. And that you will experience Provençal life and its many beautiful aspects from a designer's point of view, knowing that every luxurious detail is taken care of for you. A little luxury on a Provence tour that will soothe the soul.

We are so excited to announce our fourth annual springtime Chic Provence Tour to the heart of Provence,  for May 17-23, 2014. You will find incomparable inspiration for your Provence design ideas and projects on our tour in the company of like-minded souls. We will have a different design topic for each day's discovery, so bring your design project ideas with you...and get on the spot advice and inspiration, and choose things from the amazing treasures of Provence flea and antiques markets for your own home. 

C'est fantastique! Cherie, you must join us! You know you want to. You need this trip! You must enjoy a Provence Tour in 2014!  

Hi, that's me, and that is an ice cream cone in Provence!
and I am carrying one of Andrea's French Basketeer
baskets on my arm!

your home with us in Provence!

and this is one of our courtyards where we
have incredible dinners prepared for us by
our own chef Jon!

Jon explaining the origins of our tapenade,
sauccisson and wines

one of those candlelight dinners at our villa!

our indoor dining table at the villa

sometimes we gather here for breakfast or supper, too!

inspiring Provençal decor in the villa

pretty canapé, tile floors and light in the villa in Provence

gorgeous Provençal candelabra

another favorite spot for coffee or drinks at our villa

tulips are always in bounty at the markets when we are there!

gorgeous faded doorway

a sight at the many antiques shops we visit

rustic chic painting 
doorway in Provence

vintage toile fabric made into a pillow cover...perfect
for bringing home in your suitcase!

on our exclusive visit to Dominique LaFourcade's stunning
home and gardens near St. Remy

that chandelier, chest magnifique!!

Steven and Lisa, happy travelers on our Tour!

ahhh....nothing better...

I love the old campaniles... wire-framed
bell towers.... found all over Provence, each with
its village signature design

colorful homes in Rouissillon
vintage boutis... great to pack in suitcase home
beautiful jewel tones of fruit candies
baby olive trees in Rouissillon
and peonies in the markets... stunning!

these little beauties almost made it home with me!

hmmm...which way should we go today...Avignon?  Yes!

in the chateau where we have our incredible cooking class... 

in the chateau kitchen for our cooking class.... and yes, that's
our chef Jon doing the teaching! 

posing with "Hollywood Arms" girls!

giving Van Gogh one last kiss before leaving St. Paul's in
St. Remy de Provence!

some very very happy guests on the Chic Provence Design Tour!

can you smell the lavender yet?

see details and what happy guests have to say:
download registration forms here 

We quickly sold last year so let me know right away 
if you you would like me to hold a space for you!

skype me: kitgolson
call or text me:  650-302-6883


  1. Oh how fantastic to go on tour with you, Kit! A marvelous and authentic visit to Provence! Seeing the photos of the baskets again in their rightful setting makes me smile~

  2. Andrea your baskets are beautiful! If they are good enough for Jennifer Garner they are good enough for me! xo Kit

  3. Oh, Kit, you make me want to go.



I would love to hear what you think! merci!