02 February 2014


The seacoast always restores and refreshes... and this week to celebrate our 21st Anniversary, Chris and I headed to Carmel-by-the-Sea for a midweek getaway... and since Carmel is ultra-dog-friendly, Nicky came with us too! The Cypress Inn welcomes dogs, provides them with lots of treats, water bowls everywhere, and special big fleece wooly throws to sleep on. Dogs are welcome in most restaurants in Carmel, too, so Nicky had his first indoor dinner with us at the charming St. Tropez~Cuisine du Soleil bistro. 

As beautiful as she is, Carmel-by-the-Sea is also a bit quirky. A few little-known facts about the village:
  • there are only 2000 residents in the 1 square mile village that has a long edge on the sea
  • there are no house numbers...you describe your location by the nearest intersection, counting down the number of houses... "SW corner Carpenter and Second, four houses east"
  • ...OR you name your house something like "Done Rovin'" and that is how the world finds you
  • there is no mail delivery; you must go to the post office to pick up your mail; this has created a strong sense of community since you run into each other every day
  • you may not post "no parking" signs in front of your home; cars parked on either side of the street narrow the streets and thus slow traffic down considerably... which is good for everyone including the air we breathe
  • there is an ordinance against wearing high heels in the village (yes, there really is...I said quirky, didn't I?)
  • you actually CAN build fires on the beach and doggies are WELCOME to romp on the beach and swim in the surf
Here's a peek at Carmel-by-the-Sea, mid-winter. It was the perfect, relaxing and nearby escape to celebrate!

The entrance to our lovely hotel, the Cypress Inn, which welcomed our little doggie Nicky as
much as they welcomed us! the Inn was built in 1929, and is now owned in part by

Doris Day, who has a passion for animal welfare. It is she who insists that four-leggeds are as welcome as
their humans. The Inn is built in and embellished California mission style.

the courtyard at the Cypress Inn

the cozy fireplace in the courtyard at the Cypress Inn

the church grounds across the street from the Cypress Inn filled with native
plants that are thriving in the coolness of the coast

pretty succulents and native plants in turquoise planters around town

one of the many 1930's era tile designs that appear in the
downtown shopping area of Carmel
pretty arched window, tiled roof and paved courtyard
at one of Carmel's shops
lots of beautifully designed wrought iron all over Carmel

we had a fabulous lunch at la Bicyclette, one of the favorite restaurants in Carmel...this resto
collaborates with the local middle school on teaching children the importance of
living and eating sustainably. The food is local and very delicious.

delicious desserts at la Bicyclette
happy husband Chris at la Bicyclette!

love old pots of bay tree standard, and the gate nearby
cheerful door front on Ocean Avenue in Carmel

cupid spotted in antiques shop window...perfect for Valentines!

one of the forty or so pathways leading to hidden courtyards to explore
in downtown Carmel


see details and what happy guests have to say:

skype me: kitgolson
call or text me:  650-302-6883


  1. We love to visit Carmel, but I never knew any of the fun facts you shared.

  2. Hi, Thanks for visiting..I forgot to mention that Carmel does not have any street lights...if you visit you should bring a flashlight! Great for stargazing on clear nights,

  3. THIS must have been a great weekend! ...the community in Carmel set a good example with their quirky?/clever rules.

  4. I hope you had Tea at the Cypress Inn. It's so good. We lived in Carmel for years. I don't miss the
    tourist traffic.

  5. Happy Anniversary Kit! I love Carmel, such a beautiful setting!
    The Arts by Karena

  6. Que j'aime ces ambiances, chic, bohème, décontractée ...
    Bisous du Var

  7. That is how life should be....bumping into neighbors at the post office,.
    Will make everywhere else seem needing a restart!


I would love to hear what you think! merci!