25 March 2014

The Calendar Says Spring is Here...

..but when the temp is minus 2 degrees in Vermont, as my friends there have told me, you have to wonder? No daffodils poking through the snow this week..the first full week of spring.

Here at home, however, it is all about the spring time... and our visit to Filoli last Sunday was just what stuffy, wintered rooms needed... a breath of fresh air! So I invite all my East Coast friends who are expecting yet another frozen week to come feast your eyes on nature's early springtime show here in Northern California at the gorgeous gardens of Filoli, just a few miles from our home in Silicon Valley. Chris, Lisa and I were there together and had such a gorgeous time. Wish you were here! And take heart, spring really really will come!

all photos Kit Golson iPhone

09 March 2014

Our Little Provence Village..

I am so excited we sold out our Chic Provence Design Tour 2014 this spring.. and are now dreaming of our little village in Provence, our home there, the things we will see... come take a little peek with me, and plan to join me next year!

wrapping myself in gorgeous Souleaido fabric...the day is off
to a good start!

an early morning peek outside at linens drying on the line...

our patio before breakfast is set up....

lace curtains in charmingly shuttered window...

dappled sunshine on the old stone wall of the villa...

our handsome side entry door...perfect spot for un cafe...

while in the village center Cafe de Longchamp will do nicely....

while we gaze at the 19th C. townhouse...
and spy hat mannequins in one of the hundreds of
antiques shops in town...
and this beautiful fragment of vintage paisley wool...

or vintage garden things from this outdoor brocante...

while French couples head off for a day's work...

having left their things drying in the window...

getting organized for the day ahead...

we'll just pick up a beautiful shopping basket...

all photos by Steven McCormick