30 October 2014

All Hallow's Eve.....

Vintage masks from Italian carnivales, these are creepy enough to feature on the spookiest of all holidays...Hallowe'en!!  Hope yours is thrilling not chilling!

my Chic Provence Design Tour
in unequalled luxury, cuisine

and incredible shopping...all
with a seasoned interior designer (moi)
and other like-minded souls!!

Download brochure here

that's me, happily contemplating 
meeting you
in Provence in 
spring 2015!


20 October 2014

Quoi de neuf?...

...you might well ask (what's new?) since you haven't heard in a while... it's simple really...just very very busy working with two lovely clients and doing a lot of traveling back and forth to see my Mom across the continent...then, ahem, spending my recovery times binge-watching Gran Hotel and drooling over auction items and dreaming about Provence in the spring (you are coming with me, aren't you? I still have a few spaces open, waiting for you!!)

I'll be posting some of my design work here in the near future, as soon as things get to the stage where we can actually take photos...so excited about both projects!

Hoping all is going well for you as we swing into the new season...Fall here in the northern hemisphere, and Spring in the southern...(where we are headed in a couple of weeks with pals in Argentina! quite excited to see where my mother and father once lived in that romantic time after the war!)

this stunning clock from the late 18th C was up for auction in Paris
last week... I did not get it, although I can now bid from my
home here in California as I am registered with the 

Druout Auction site so I don't have to miss any of the action!
You can register too! who needs to "go" to Paris hahahaha!

Javier, Julio, Alicia and Diego, my new best friends on Netflix!
called the "Downton Abbey of Spain" this series, Gran Hotel,  

is set in northern Spain in 1904 and is addictive! lots of 
intrigue, romance and class distinction. The clothes, the setting and the 
gorgeous hairstyles alone are worth tracking this one down if you haven't already!

another not-to-be-missed event,
my Chic Provence Design Tour
in unequalled luxury, cuisine

and incredible shopping...all
with a seasoned interior designer (moi)
and other like-minded souls!!

Download brochure here

If you have any questions at all, 
I'd love to chat!

email kitatkitgolson.com 

or call me +1-650-302-6883
pacific time zone

this is your year for Provence, cherie!!


that's me, happily contemplating 
meeting you
in Provence in 
spring 2015!