25 November 2014

Grey Whale Pear Pie

Many thanks to the kind pastry chef at the long-ago closed Gray Whale Inn (now the site of the trendy and chic Saltwater Oyster Depot, check that place out!) in Inverness, California on Tomales Bay for her recipe for this wonderful pear pie. As you can see, it's the original recipe, and it's still as amazing today as it was when my Mom wheedled the recipe out of her in the late 80's!

In time for your Thanksgiving baking, here is the foolproof recipe for all you pear-lovers out there!

sorry it's such an "experienced" recipe! I love it like this,
it reminds me of my Mom every time I look at it

simple...piecrust is in the pan and ready, bosc pairs are
nicely slices

now pear slices artfully arranged....

mixing the custard....

pouring custard over pears....

pop in the oven...

VOILA! tres delicious Pear Custard Pie

the view of Tomales Bay near the Grey Whale....so beautiful!

the red dot is where the Grey Whale used
to be...at the bottom of Tomales Bay
...and where the Saltwater is now...

P.S. if you have trouble reading the handwriting let me know! I'll gladly type it up!


another not-to-be-missed event,
my Chic Provence Design Tour
in unequalled luxury, cuisine

and incredible shopping...all
with a seasoned interior designer (moi)
and other like-minded souls!!

Download brochure here

that's me, happily contemplating 
meeting you
in Provence in 
spring 2015!


1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing this "experienced" recipe which does sound delicious. What is the baking time?


I would love to hear what you think! merci!