01 November 2016

I Have Been Somewhere Else...

...and that is a place many of us have to visit...caring for a beloved mother, and helping her pass from this world into the next. We buried her in her beloved Apalachicola, Florida last week, and stayed at St. George Island for two weeks to relax and celebrate her remarkable life.

I've missed you, I've missed Provence, but the last ten months were precious to me. Mom and I laughed and talked our way through her days and nights. I made sure she was in her own home of 55 years, that she was safe and happy, with me in the next room. 

When she passed away, she was 98.6 years old, and her very last words to me were "See you later, Alligator"! The portrait below was done by my husband, Chris Golson, a week before she died! I will love and miss Marianne Sloan Coombs Cunningham forever!