02 March 2009

That "Ball Gown" Look for Your Draperies

You just need a designer to achieve that elegant nonchalance in your draperies. They have to hang just so, and they have to graze the floor just so, and they must have that thick, crunchy feel, like a heavy satin duchesse ball gown. You know they were pressed, but now they look like they might have danced all night long. That's when you know your draperies are perfect!

gorgeous citron draperies in front of twelve-foot French doors

special custom hardware is essential for proper
installation and hanging for draperies

draperies are lined and include wands for
opening and closing

You can't do this yourself. Forget Pottery Barn and what they would like for you to think, and heaven forbid you seek elegant nonchalance at the "I" place (you know...lots of white melamine furniture, bright colors, great swedish meatball lunch counter!)

No, to navigate the calamitous waters of custom draperies, you must have a designer who possesses the wisdom to:

1. know fabric: how yard$ and yard$ of it will look hanging in front of your windows

2. decide just how high to hang your drapery hardware, how wide to hang the draperies, and how long they should be.

3. understand the mood you want in your room

4. never, ever let you hang a big old paisley pattern that will look hideous with your big old floral sofa, no matter what they tell you about mixing patterns in the magazines

That's it!

Oh, and yes, your designer must also know how much fabric and lining you need, how much hardware and where to get it, the style of header you will need and how to install it all. And where to get them made up for you.

You will feel like Cinderella (before midnight) every time you walk into your room!


Kit Golson Design

for elegant, sustainable and pragmatic

Chic Provence Interior Design

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