09 March 2009

The Garden Won This Week

the arch should fill in with scarlet trumpet vines this summer!

The garden begged this interior designer to leave the computer, the drawing table, the eternal email and iPhone and just come outside this week. 

the fence before

And this is where I've been.  All that wonderful recyclable redwood fencing beckoned, I knew it was time to get replace that fence. If I waited much longer, Aida's garden next door would soon be roaming & digging territory for Ollie, our terrier.

So a new fence went up. It hasn't been painted yet. But when we know the rains have ended (this is California, and the rains will end soon!), we'll finish the job. And those redwood boards? They're stacked neatly in the shed waiting for a new life as something different. 

the fence after being replaced but before its painting

the old greenhouse has been standing for 35 years now

The greenhouse needs a LOT of work this year. Hmmmm...time to replace it with a small poolhouse?

Then the plum trees obliged with a snowy show.

I couldn't bear to come back inside until today.

Hello again!


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