11 December 2009

Scarlett Johanssen Is Giving Goats For Christmas!

{ A very kind thing to do this season!}

You can give this adorable little guy
to an indigent family for $50!

Give one sheep to a family for $50,
a pair of sheep for $90;

A dozen chicks
A dozen baby chicks to a family for $40

Mosquito nets
You can give the gift of mosquito
netting to a family for $25

You can help women start
a small business for $100

Oxfam America Unwrapped - Charitable gifts and unique gift giving ideas that do good

{ Please click on images to link to information! }

a la prochaine!



Kit Golson Design

for elegant, sustainable and pragmatic

Chic Provence Interior Design


  1. A great idea...however, I just tapped out my charitable gift giving last week, so at this point in time I'll resolve to be a man who stares at goats.

    Happy holidays, everyone!

  2. ...and I could stare at this little goat all day long, he's so adorable!

    Happy Holidays, Denny!

  3. what a fabulous idea... hmmm really good idea... i am always up for helping others in need... have a wonderful christmas!!! thank you so much for all of your kindness.... you are so sweet... x pam

  4. I'm a great supporter of Oxfam, I worked for them as a volunteer in Sydney. Good of you to relay their Christmas gift ideas - they are wonderful.

    Just discovered your blog and love it.
    I have cloves and oranges at home, I haven't made pomanders for years but I think I'll do a few this week, thanks for reminding me of it.

  5. HI Pam! Thanks so much for stopping by! Could you see a couple dozen little chick in your shop this season? LOL! Hope the construction next door doesn't drive too nuts! ....have a merry time! Kit

  6. Hi Nathalie Thanks for the kind words. I have admired your photos in Avignon for some time now! Oxfam seems to be on the side of the angels in these times.....Joyeaux Noel!

  7. Jessica, thanks for stopping by and your very kind comments! I did amuse myself with your blog, it's wonderful and the music is great! I love your writing, from the heart. Enjoy every second of NYC! I'm now following you. Kit

  8. My mother shamed us into this during Thanksgiving here in October. We never know were she hears about the causes she champions but usually we get a pamphlet from her followed by an invitation to dinner or a tearful phone call and before you know it the checkbooks are out. She is good that way and we are all the better for having give.
    Warmest Regards,

  9. Hi Simone....glad you found me! Your blog is very interesting! Well as shamings go, looks like your Mother has a good heart and shse sounds like mine! The world needs these dames!

    all the best, Kit


I would love to hear what you think! merci!