10 December 2009

Glamorous Tree Skirt from My Favorite Brocante

beaded embroidered detail

Just look at this gorgeous beaded Indian-inspired full circle silk skirt I found at the flea market for a song...it makes a fantastic Christmas tree skirt! Not for my little tree this year in the corner there (I tried to make it work, but alas, too much!), but for a magnificent, tall, gorgeous tree worthy of such splendor!

isn't this beautiful and Christmas-y?

a la prochaine!



Kit Golson Design

for elegant, sustainable and pragmatic

Chic Provence Interior Design


  1. Soooo beautiful! Can't you bunch it up in folds for the small tree? or put the small tree on a tabletop and cover/wrap the tree and cover the table with the rest? such a shame not ot use it. Bravo for the find.

  2. HI Jeanne-Aelia, I will try that and let you know....at first when I put it around the tree and hung over the table to the floor it looked kind of humorous to say the least! but you are right, there has to be a way! thanks for stopping and for the clever ideas!

  3. Bonjour! What a fabulous find - Lovely colours. I'm sure you will find a way to use it. Perhaps a larger table?
    Just notice your two favorite things on your sidebar, silver is one of my favorite things too - rummaging through old antique shops and markets usually turn up beautiful pieces!

  4. Ooh Bonjour, let's go!! Thanks for visiting! I'm determined with this encouragement to find a way to use that skirt. It would look dreadful with me wearing it, trust me!

  5. Lovely colors. Hope you find a way to use it.

  6. Problem solved....I'll post a picture soon....yes, I'm using it!! thanks for suggestions/ideas..


I would love to hear what you think! merci!