20 April 2010

Monday in Montecito

I must admit it is a real joy to be the client for a change! I am looking for a site for a very special family event..and yesterday, in the hands of my good friend, freelance event planner Dani Farler, I saw what is quite possibly the perfect spot for our celebration in Montecito, near Santa Barbara, California.

Come along on our perfect Monday morning quest and see for yourself!

First stop, San Ysidro Ranch, an incomparably gorgeous place on this planet. Dani knows how much I adore the south of France, and she said this place reminds her of our last trip there together. She thought I would love it. She was right!

could anything be more charming than this little
bench in its Provencal setting?

one of the several restaurants we viewed for
a sit down dinner

the wedding meadow, with rose-covered arches
at each end and a view up the mountains

another utterly charming bench in the garden

one of the living passageways found on the
500 acre resort

with Japanese Magnolia trees blooming
and heaters, we are ready for cool
spring evenings

a view down onto the restaurant I loved the most

all images above taken by me
at San Ysidro Ranch, Montecito, California
"heaven on earth"

If you think that this is a breathtakingly beautiful spot to have the family gather for a celebration, you are in very good company. Vivien Leigh and Sir Laurence Olivier exchanged vows here, and John and Jacqueline Kennedy honeymooned here. I am quite certain lots more of the rich and famous find their way here, named America's Best Hotel by Forbes Traveler in 2009.

If you think that I can afford to have the whole gang come and stay here, and party for a couple of days, you would be quite incorrect! :) I might have a small dinner for ten in the Old Adobe 1825, but the rest of our partying will probably be down at the local crab shack!

Next, leaving the Ranch, we headed down to the flower shop Dani likes: SR Hogue & Co. We were hoping preparations might be underway there for a glamorous local event (dinner party at Oprah's, just up the hill?) but found things a little lovely and quiet.

a very lucky Buddha enjoying the garden's bounty

beautiful green pot that Dani loved

flower girls Hogue designed..from their website

stunning lilies

Finally, the perfect place to wind up the morning: Jeannine's in "downtown" Montecito. There you can have cafes au lait so big you could take a bath in the bowl! and brunch is anything you can dream of: french toast, steel cut oatmeal, eggs crab benedict, brioche, croissants, tropical fruits. Do you get the picture? Get to Jeannine's, quickly!

just seeing Jeannine's makes me feel..relaxed!


what Dani wore (she's really into the nautical thing right now)!

what I wore; hey, we are only a mile from the beach!

nonchalant ease and elegance

all clothes found at
the one and only
Montecito Village
get in there, now!!


in 2010, it's:

Kit Golson Design

for elegant, sustainable and pragmatic

Chic Provence Interior Design


  1. exquisite taste in clothes. pictures of the places you visited are breathtaking...this is the best time to travel...or i should say, anytime around that area is lovely!...maryann@verbenacottage

  2. HI Mary Ann, I must confess the clothes are to be found at Wendy Foster lest you think I really wore that adorable outfit (wish I had it!)..thanks for visiting, I'll hop over to Verbena Cottage right away1


  3. I was in a wedding in this same area, several years ago. The Bride was able to save a ton of money as she did not have to order flowers - the natural landscape provided us with a floral mosaic for free!

  4. Hi dreams! you are so right about that..perfect backdrop!

    thanks for visiting


  5. I adore Montecito and The San Ysidro Ranch. Perfect definitely!!

    Art by Karena

  6. ..che incanto!!!!
    Grazie, Anna.

  7. Hi Karena so glad you agree! Have a lovely evening!


  8. Gorgeous, I have just been looking at their website - it is fabulous and looks perfect for a romantic break.

    A bientot,

    Leeann x

  9. Oh yes, this truly seems like heaven on earth! Gorgeous pictures, beautiful post (to read and look at again and again).
    xx Flaviana

  10. Beautiful place(s); makes you want to go right away and spend a week or two! But it's as far away for me than Provence so maybe the real destination would win( if I had te time to go to either...) GREAT post; you make us dream a little.Merci chere ami.

  11. Hi, I'm Michele! You have a FANTASTIC blog!!! I'm surely going to be a dedicated friend! CHEERS! Michele

  12. Hi Leeann, I should have mentioned, lodging there is "un petit cher"..(rooms start at $685) but for those of us grounded for the time being its perhaps less expensive than a trip to Provence!

    I am eager for more news of your kitchen-in-the-works!

    a bientot!


  13. Hi Flaviana! it is heaven on earth, especially in this glorious spingtime.. thanks for the visit, cherie!


  14. Hi Michele, thank you for visiting. Your comments are too kind. Your pug is adorable, and I visited your blog: love your outfit from India!

    a bientot!


  15. Bonjour Jeanne-Aelia! OK, yes, you are right..I will meet you in Provence, then we can do a little research to see if this place has truly matched up! (actually the room interiors are not French at all but a glamorous, luxe western feel, stones, plaids, fireplaces, exposed beams..but gorgeous in their way)

    a la prochaine...I'm off to see what mischief you have been up to!



  16. I'm looking for a bench much like those in the garden setting for my front hallway.

    Do you know what the red-orange blooming vine is or the red blooming tree at San Ysidro Ranch? Gorgeous!

  17. Hi Dana & Daisy..the vine is bougainvillea, and the trees with the orangish fruit/flowers are Japanese magnolia trees...the bench is adorable with this chic little mix of patterns..cool idea for a little spot.

    thanks for visiting, I'll hop over to see you too1

    a bientot!


  18. Now this is the California lifestyle that the rest of the country only dreams about. Love all the fruit trees and the gorgeous flowers.

  19. Hi Averill, yes they have the fabled California lifestyle pretty well nailed there in Montecito/Santa Barbara! It is gorgeous...good to see you and I'll hop over to see what's up with Odie ...



  20. Outstanding pictures, and great post, take care1

  21. Hi Joanne Angelina, thank you so much!!



  22. .... Since I desire it .... a few vacations in California ..... taking these so comfortable clothes .. and with so much style that your you show us ..... a shame is that ' Montecito .. be so far away of Madrid ... my city ..... beautiful post
    An embrace

  23. Hola Berta! Thank you so much for visiting from so far away! I would lvoe to spend a little time in Madrid, too..



  24. Wow! I have to admit, whenever I click over to a California blog..its hard for me not become bitter with jealousy! Today was one of those moments...I love NY, and all...but that place is just amazing. And...then you go and throw those adorable outfits up there too! Like I said, WOW!

  25. O Zhush thank you so much for visiting! No, where you live is so wonderful, you have all of New England, the seasons, you have Vermont (I LOVE Vermont, my daughter was born there!!), and of course, tres chic NYC a hop/skip/jump away..and, you are just a few short hours from Paris! I often miss back east for those reasons!

    Your blog is a joy!



  26. What a fantastic place! Your guided tour was perfect and I am totally sold on this heavenly place.

    Wonderful find.

    x Charlotta

  27. Hi Charlotta, thanks so much for visiting! I hopped over to take a peek at your post..it's a great idea, using photographs for a table runner..everyone should go take a look!



  28. what an absolutely stunning place! I love the garden benches with the cushions and the setting is so beautiful. love the outfits too! : )

  29. Hi Lisaroy, thanks so much for stopping! It is stunning, I agree!



  30. What a delight to see San Ysidro Ranch. I've heard so much about it but have never seen photos. What a tremendous day to scout, shop and take in a lovely lunch. You ladies would of been looking quite smashing in those outfits.

    Sounds like your family has an exciting event coming up!! Hope your weekend is a fun one Kit. xx

  31. How lovely! That red path is dreamy. Thank you for your comment the other day! I love your blog.


  32. Hi Deb thanks for visiting..you MUST come visit, you would love it..although I hear you have an eye in the other direction, no?

    have a great weekend, dear!


  33. Hello Rachel, yes I really enjoy your blog too..thanks for visiting..that red path is stunning at this time of year..

    have wonderful weekend!


  34. Hi Kit!
    Lucky you going to Montecito! I love that place! The ranch is gorgeous this time of year, and yes having a latte in the village and people watching there, too much fun! Have a great weekend! Maryanne xo

  35. Hey Maryanne! wish we could all just meet up there for the weekend! I am sure it is gorgeous there in the beautiful hills of Texas..I look forward to visiting your shop when I go visit Teri next..

    have fabulous weekend!


  36. Aww I love Montecito! It's one of my favorite places :) Thanks for sharing such beautiful images.

    Have a wonderful weekend~

  37. Hi Noel thanks so much! I LOVE your new blog, Cru..fabulous..now that I am going vegetarian and all, it is *quite* inspiring..

    to say nothing of your gorgeous paper artistry..sigh!

    bon weekend!


  38. Oh don't hesitate. I've been there. It is paradise on Earth.

  39. Hey Corine! OK, meet you there!

    bon weekend!


  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. Thank you for the beautiful tour! What a magnificent place-I love every single picture. I am sure your function will be divine!

    Lovely choice of clothes too. I love your little ensemble.

    Best wishes for a gorgeous weekend,

  42. i could never get tired of these photos. I will keep this link in mind for my next coast trip! have a great week ahead, kit. verbena cottage

  43. Hi Paper Tree, thank you so much, and for following..I checked out your blog and am following you now..lovely!

    have a great Sunday!


  44. HI Natasha,lovely to see you! Thanks for your very kind comments..have a fabulous Sunday



  45. Hi Elie's/Punc!

    Great to see you, thank you so much for stopping by..

    hope you are having a great Sunday in Fla..I heard it's raining cats & dogs1



  46. Hi Mary Ann, yes it's a must-stop next time you are up the coast...thanks for visiting and commenting..

    hope your Sunday is wonderful!



  47. My goodness, Kit. You have scoped out some truly amazing treasures! You have a wonderful eye for the delicious and a nice flair for writing that I suspect could make even the most mundane spot sound special. This is a gift, girlfriend. Thank you for sharing!

    P.S. If I ever win the lottery, I'm going to rent that floating hotel room and cruise down the Nile! Wow!!!

    Kay Lorraine
    Honolulu, Hawaii

  48. Hi Kay, thanks so Much! well I must say YOU have an interesting blog..I'll be following you from now on!

    thanks for visiting

    have a great Sunday


  49. beautiful post! makes me miss my beloved montecito :-)

    thank you for your sweet email, your little blog banner now hangs proudly in the bardot in blue blog roll :-D

    xoxo Haleigh @ Bardot in Blue

  50. Bonjour Haleigh! oh but you are in Paris!! thanks for visiting/linking, and have a fantastic week! I'll hop on over..

    a bientot


  51. I just found your blog and I am DYING right now I love it so much and everything is so BEAUTIFUL! My husband and I are planning to buy a house in Provence sometime in the next ten years and we are always dreaming.... I can't wait to read more!

  52. Rebekka dear, thanks for stopping and for your very sweet comments...I visited your blog Dear Friend Standing in Sunshine, it's delightful! good luck with your gorgeous apron project; as soon as you get the adult sizes, I am buying one..

    a bientot!


  53. Beautiful post in such a beautiful setting. I so love the area around Santa Barbara. Lucky you to be able to book your gathering in such a beautiful spot.



  54. HI Jo, so nice to see you! thanks for your visit and comments..I hope it works out for the Ranch..we'll see!

    have a wonderful week!


  55. I adore California, and this place is one of the many reasons why that adoration continues to grow....how lovely and inspiring! It's truly wonderful. Thank you for sharing! :)

  56. Hi Crystal, thanks for visiting and commenting! I know, I never get tired of all the wonder that is found in California..I'm not a native, but a devout convert to the "best" coast!

    Have a great evening!


  57. What a gorgeous spot for a celebration...I'm sure it will be a wonderful event for you all! Those lovely pictures are such a nice visual vacation for me...we are still getting sporadic bursts of snow where I live!

    Have a wonderful week!

  58. Hi HopeAva! so nice to see you, thanks for visiting! it's still raining off and on here too..waiting for stable good weather to arrive!



  59. Hi,
    I stopped by because we have followed each other by way of my blog The Greentiques Solution. I would like now to personally invite you to join me at my new blog called Tools Are For Women Too! http://toolsareforwomentoo.blogspot.com/ Right now I have a giveaway going on, a link party planned for Monday, a Link Party Directory where bloggers can list their parties, and just a lot of great stuff. Please stop by if you can. Rory

  60. Hi Rory! I'll definitely check out your blog and the party! Thanks for stopping by..

    have a great weekend


  61. beautiful pictures! you and your guests are going to have a lovely memory of your time there.

  62. Montecito seems to be a wonderful place. I read so many posts about it. This ranch sounds fabulous

  63. Hi Debbie, thanks so much! Have a great Sunday..


  64. Well hello Melanie! So nice to see you, yes Motecito is fabulous..you must come on your next trip over!




I would love to hear what you think! merci!