03 May 2010

A Saturday Wandering and the Farmer's Market

I'm taking a Saturday morning walk with my husband Chris and dog Ollie in Redwood City. We have things to do and places to go: we have to stop for cafe au lait at our favorite bistro, Pamplemousse; we'll stroll through the Farmers Market and pick up lunch; and we have to let Ollie run free in front of the high school..oh, and while we're at it, we'll peek into the historical old courthouse next to the market.

We'll take the "route du petit ecolier" as we wander around, checking out all the interesting and beautiful places we pass on our walk to and from the center of town..that's what Saturday's are for!

First, what to wear? It's sunny, so knee length
bermuda shorts, a nautical-stripe T with a red sweater,
and my new linen & leather Merrell's..so chic!
Don't forget the Ray-Bans!

a favorite little cottage we pass
by on the way to town

a bamboo stand for privacy
between cottages

we pass the GIANT eucalyptus tree at
the local high school

another small and charming cottage

finally, the Farmers' Market

gorgeous red onions were everywhere;
perfect with fennel and grapefruit salad!

the proud county courthouse presiding over the
lively courtyard

we'll just stop by our favorite French bistro,
Pamplemousse, on the way back home...

...for "un cafe au lait" to get our strength
up for the walk back home

Chris & Ollie going down the sidewalk
on our street

a peek at our neighbors gorgeous home and
landscaping..featured on HGTV!

wandering by John & Carol's and
saying hello to their egg-hen

past Dr. Ed's..almost home!

finally up the little path leading to
our front doorway...

...where we unwrap our goodies from the
Farmers' Market

(yes, I know, very few vegetables: the Mediterranean
vendor sells amazing salads and hummus and the
French baker sells fabulous breads & pizzas!)



in 2010, it's:

Kit Golson Design

for elegant, sustainable and pragmatic

Chic Provence Interior Design


  1. Love Farmers markets and love the peek into your neighbors' gates and entrances. I wouldn't trade your quiet saturday for any grand trip you may have had to cancel.

  2. Hi Catherine, how sweet of you to stop..thanks so much..and I loved your excursion this weekend on your blog too!

    have a great week


  3. That looks like the most perfect day EVER


I would love to hear what you think! merci!