27 May 2010

"It's Always Sunrise Somewhere"

If Father Time looks kindly on those who love clocks, hourglasses, watches, calendars & metronomes, then Brian Dittmar is in full grace. Captivated as a child by his grandfather's pocket watches, Brian's early love of clocks actually informed his later decision to pursue a career in interior design and architecture. The grandfather clocks he saw in museums on the east coast had architectural details on top: pediments, columns..small classical structures that fascinated him, and he later realized those led him to an early love of architecture.

A small room on the third floor under the eaves of a stately San Francisco mansion is now the hideaway for Brian's imaginary l'Horloger to spend quiet moments contemplating the passage of time and tinkering with the instruments of timekeeping. A fastidious attention to detail is a hallmark of this enchanting room designed for the San Francisco Decorator Showcase 2010.

Let's pause for a moment for a short visit with Brian:

display of vintage objects that mark the passing of time:
hourglasses, orbital sphere, clock

a setting (the photo shows part of a symmetrical arrangement)
includes a mid-century clock on the wall, reference
to ancient Greece in the Klismos chairs, and an iPod docking
station with digital time read outs

relaxed and smiling, Brian is seated in the chair
he designed as a direct reference to a casework (grandfather)
clock in front of the mirror etched with wise words about Time itself

three of Brian's grandfather's pocket watches
displayed in front of a vintage globe

an incredible view of San Francisco Bay, Marin County,
the Presidio and the Golden Gate Bridge
from the window next to the desk

Diane Dorrans Saeks did a wonderful blog post about the process of becoming a showcase designer and Brian's design decisions on The Style Saloniste...be sure to check it out for many more fascinating insights!


for help creating a beautiful new look

for your home or event, in the San Francisco Bay Area

or virtually anywhere else,

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Kit Golson Design

for elegant, sustainable and pragmatic

Chic Provence Interior Design


  1. Hi Fun Laura! isn't Brian an amazing designer? thanks for visiting, I'll hop over and see what you are up to..



  2. I love old time pieces of various types. I particularly like the framed collection of his grandfather's pocket watches... ~Terri

  3. Hi Terri!

    I thought you might like those! see you soon, thanks so much for visiting!



  4. I just came back from visiting your link over to The Style Saloniste...

    It is amazing how by just moving a couple of pieces (the clock and the fourth framed pocket watch) make all the difference in the balance the space...

    I love how he documented his installation.

    Very nice room... feels very tranquil comfortable, where one could get lost in one's own thoughts... ~Terri

  5. I like the idea of showcasing the pocketwatches this way..... The home seems to be such a gentleman's place....I'll have to go over and investigate more!Maryanne xo

  6. Hi Maryanne! it is a very gentlemanly aerie..and those watches are framed so well..hope all went well with your Italian linens giveaway!!


  7. The first photo is really great, fantastic display. Will have to check it out, thanks for sharing, hope you have a lovey weekend. Love from London x

  8. The framed pocket watches are inspired! Adore these!

  9. what a fun and interesting collection! i'm a big fan of collections/collectors and this was one i haven't really seen before. the pocket watches are great the way that he displayed them. I always think if you have something that was passed down to you and it means a lot to you, use it or put it out so you can see it and enjoy it. I bet when he walks by these watches he smiles to himself every time.

  10. Love the images. I know have an idea for my grandfather's pocket watch.

  11. So fun to have collections and great to see these special watches framed.

    Art by Karena

  12. great post and great collection! have a great weekend...verbena cottage

  13. wow really love his work...love the framed pocket watches especially! thanks for sharing :-D
    xoxo Bardot in Blue

  14. Love the framed pocket watches -- what a great idea for a display.

  15. Anonymous10 June, 2010

    I love the framed pocket watches too, Kit!


I would love to hear what you think! merci!