24 May 2010

Why I Love Kandinsky

"I applied streaks and blobs of colors onto the canvas with a
palette knife and I made them sing with all the intensity I could...."
~Wassily Kandinsky

That pretty much sums it up.


Get out there and apply some streaks and blobs!
Have a wonderful, colorful, creative and unihibited week!
Happy Monday!


Question: Would the brilliance of a

Kandinsky go a long way in breathing some life back into these

listlessly lissome and lifelessly anemic all white rooms?

What I'm saying is, couldn't these rooms use a little color?

Or are they already perfect?

What do you think?



in 2010, it's:

Kit Golson Design

for elegant, sustainable and pragmatic

Chic Provence Interior Design


  1. The white rooms with burst of color would bring focus to both...the art would really POP !

  2. Too white for me. Looks sterilized. Not even a plant in sight. So absolutely add away!!

  3. Hi Splen! well...there is one plant, it's just not alive! I would love these rooms with some color thrown in...they are like an almost blank canvas now..

  4. Yes Kit, a BIG Kandinsky would absolutely do the trick!!! My house is far from white but I'd still love a BIG Kandinsly. LOVE his work! Maybe even a small one. Great post, great approach. Merci.

  5. Yes they definetly need a pop of color, then they would be beautiful!!! Blessings~~~Daphne

  6. They definitely could use a punch of color. I usually shy away from too bright a color palate, but they would fit perfectly in a black and white color scheme as well.

  7. Those rooms are definitely waiting for a touch of color... either subtle or bold...

  8. i would have to refuse access to my golden retriever, otherwise there would be too much non-carefully selected color placed randomly. i love my juliet, but her hair...

  9. I love the starkness of these rooms, but bright abstracts in a white room can be fantastic. I think it depends on what you're going for, i.e. dramatic vs. romantic or soothing.

  10. Agreed, as much as I love the serenity of an all white room, those paintings (and I love Kandinsky too) would be amazing in those spaces!

  11. definitely agree, I think the pop of color in these all white spaces would look amazing! live these prints...I am a big Dufy fan these remind me a bit of him :-D

    lovely post as always! xoxo bardot in blue aka your big fan over in Paris

  12. Great

  13. Kit I adore Kandinsky... I can still remember the movie "Six Degrees of Separation" when Stockard Channing is spinning the Kandinsky as it is painted on both sides. I do love all white rooms but I agree a pop of colour with a breathtaking Kandinsky would be perfect!
    Have a lovely day

  14. I, for one, am tired of all white rooms--yes indeed--Kandinsky could go a long way here, but there is a sameness in decorating when the all white program goes on and on and on in every room deemed French--un peu trop pour moi.


I would love to hear what you think! merci!