14 August 2010

Happy Walls and Ginger-Infused Limeade

Painted accent walls as only the French can do them, to lift you out of the wilting summertime doldrums! The colors on these walls inject so much vitality and energy, it's hard to imagine these spaces without them..I find these colors joyful and compelling.

Could your rooms use a little color boost? Would you choose any of these?

Enjoy a ginger-infused limeade (recipe below) while you contemplate these gorgeous hues.

a deep lavender garden wall!

an orange ceiling and pale green walls

blue walls below and blue walls above!

a blue wall, a green wall and orange-white pattern

a blue dining wall with chairs in Japanese plaid

a cheerful ochre passageway

a citron wall is just the beginning for this bedroom color scheme

the same dining room with blue and citron walls and Japanese plaid chairs

two different hues of green..citron and jade..accented with blue chairs


Recette Cuisine du Soleil


A very refreshing drink made from lime and ginger to sip in the sun ...

Serves 6


5 limes

2 lemons

1 piece fresh ginger

3 tablespoons sugar


- Peel and grate the ginger.

- Squeeze the lemons & limes, bring juice to simmer in a saucepan.

- Add the ginger, remove from heat, cover and let infuse for 20 minutes.

- Strain and pour into a bottle, adding 1 liter of water and sugar. Mix well.

- Place in the refrigerator, add a few ice cubes just before serving.

{all images CoteMaison}


  1. Did you change your header? Or am I imagining again? This lemon/lime concoction looks yummy, I'm having guests tomorrow, so I'm going to give it a try. Sending love...

  2. Hi Marsha! that ginger-limeade thing is fabulous, enjoy tomorrow! let us know how the party went!

    I love your post on Talbots, I had no idea! really excellent revamping of a very tired old line, brava talbots...

    happy summering & bisous


  3. Hard to choose a favorite color...

    I really like the lime and citron lately. Perfect for summer cheerfulness!

    My post on Sunday is also about color (not mentioned here). Color seems to be popping up everywhere. It seems you've got th
    e whites/grays/beiges and in the other corner, the color pops.

    Happy Sunday, Kit!


  4. Hi Ann!

    Same to you, happy Sunday...

    I love both "palettes" --the white/grey/beige/stone colors AND the modern, colorful pops--they are so very different, and it's lovely that we have choices depending on what we want and how we feel..

    ...the spirit of chic Provence design!

    xoxo Kit

  5. Bonjour Kit,
    Great images, a little pop of color is always fun. The Ginger infused Limeaide sounds delicious. I'll definitely try this.
    GOod Sunday,

  6. I'm moving soon and hopefully buying a new place so perhaps I'll have an accent wall - I still love the feature walls though - can't beat a bit of beautifully patterned wallpaper! Thanks for the post. Love your blog.

  7. this looks yummy and healthy! have a great sunday! verbena cottage

  8. I just discovered your blog...love it.Adding ginger to the lemon/lime drink...great idea. Do you have a shop or studio? ...would love to visit if you do...love your provential style.
    Visit my blog and leave a comment...Fay

  9. Beautiful images and the lemonade sounds delicious! Will have to try that!

  10. The lemonade sounds delicious! I love this post, I am only debating on what color to paint a chest, but I have so far vascillated between a deep lacquered red, turquoise, fuschia or just a nice cream! Can't decide! I also am kind of obsessed with the idea of a black wall! Anyway, lovely blog here, so happy I stumbled across it, happy to be your newest follower!

  11. Oh I do love color and I could definitely do that purple garden wall in the right place. And the ginger lime drink sounds delightful!


  12. In my opinion, green and orange makes a perfect combination. One is cool, the other is warm, and both are happy! Then if you add some white and brown... Ahhh just perfect!
    Those are the colors in my house.

  13. Kit ... these accent walls are gorgeous. I especially love that purple garden wall with the overhanging greenery.... stunning! I am definitely going to try the lemonade recipe ...it sounds delicious, delightful and divine! Have a lovely day!
    hugs Frances

  14. Very nice that dinning rooms:)

  15. Just found your blog- I am your newest follower! Love the bursts of color is those rooms! :)

  16. The lavendar wall and the room with the green walls and orange ceiling are crazy good.

  17. The images and recipe make will help me carry summer into fall even if we never got hot weather!

  18. What a brilliant post. Fabulous. Keep it up.

  19. Après avoir suspendu son activité pendant de longs mois, le laboratoire va pouvoir enfin reprendre ses publications sur son site officiel.

  20. Great images. Amazing. 1st one is excellent 3rd one is looking bit ugly..

  21. Really a dreamy color and the color has brought out a life inside or outside of the house. Depending on the time difference everything is nice and obviously likable to everyone I think.

  22. The colors have touched the nature I think. A great post at all.


I would love to hear what you think! merci!