19 August 2010


Yesterday, a little light went out in our lives. We lost our 7 year old Ollie very suddenly to an inexplicable illness. If you love a little doggie, you will understand what this means.

I am limp and trembling with sorrow. I know I'll get over it. But ... sweet memories of a world-class "best friend" will have to sustain us for now.

2003 - 2010


  1. Oh honey I am so sorry.
    Sending a huge hug.
    xo xo

  2. Hi Valorie thanks so much. I am quite devastated..

    Go hug that little doggie in Perch tightly!



  3. I know what your going thru, I've been there before. I'm so very sorry for your loss, I know your heart is heavy right now. I will send up prayers for you. As time goes by it does get easier! hugs~~~ Daphne

  4. I'm so, so sorry. I know you're heartbroken. Little animal friends are so wonderful and bring so much joy to our lives. I'll be thinking of you, and of Ollie.

  5. My thoughts are with you, Kit. Losing a precious pet is so heartbreaking. Think of the many times he made you laugh.

    Hugs- -Ann

  6. He was an amazing ittle woofer...made everyone smile. We're going to miss him coming to stay with us in the city :(

  7. so sorry, it is so hard to lose a friend. Will say my prayers that you heal and sending a dog biscuit to Heaven for Ollie.

  8. I just happened upon your blog and had to stop and say how very sorry I am about Ollie. They become such a part of our lives and our hearts...which thankfully, is where they end up living forever.

    Truly sorry...comfort & hugs,

  9. I am so very sorry to hear the news of the loss of little Ollie. Please know that I am remembering you all in my prayers. Nothing compares to the special joy our 4 legged furry family members bring to our lives. They truly are treasures! May God bless and keep you as you grieve this painful loss.

  10. Thank you so much Vickie, Jessica, CJ, Lisa, Ann, Denise, Daphne..it truly does help to hear these soothing and kind words appreciated more than I can say



  11. Oh, my heart goes out to you. It is so difficult to loose a precious, four-legged member of the family. I lost my beloved Nikki who was 15 1/2 years in April. The same day I applied to raise a guide dog for the blind. 3 weeks ago I got a 5 month old lab puppy to raise as a guide dog. Life is good again.

  12. Too soon.

  13. Spiral that is wonderful! I've had several dog loving friends tell me that Ollie would want me to go rescue one of his buddies now from the shelter like I did him..I have to say it feels right. I think if you are a dog person you just have to have them in your life, period!

    Good for you raising the guide dog, and good luck, keep me posted!

    Thanks for you kindness


  14. I, too, just stumbled upon your blog. The sweet picture of Ollie is what grabbed me. I am so-o sorry for your loss. How terrible that the illness was sudden! My heart goes out to you. I just adopted a dog 2 months ago from a rescue (he's our second) & I am in love with him already, quirks & all.

  15. My heart goes out to you Kit. Our furry friends are never here long enough to fully return the love they have shared with us.


  16. I'm so sorry! We have lost seemingly young and healthy pets suddenly and know how much pain it causes. Sending comforting thoughts to you and your family.


  17. I am so sorry for you. I actually have tears in my eyes. My Cappi is 13 years old and I can't bear the thought of anything happening to her. Nothing compares to the love and devotion of a little dog.

  18. I know how terribly hard and heartbreaking this is, especially with such a young lad, mine were 16 and 14. But there is a special place for beloved pets, The Rainbow Bridge. If you have not read this poem, please take the time to do so, it does soothe the heart.

  19. I am new to your blog, but not to this type of sorrow. I am so sorry for your loss. The joy that these furry beings bring is like no other. Hoping the memories soothe the hurt.

  20. Hi Kit!
    So sorry to hear about this... He looks like a sweetie pie.....I, oddly enough, know what you are going through as this morning we had to put down our Murphy, a Basset hound who had a stroke. Maybe they can hook up up there and start a doggie blog.....xoxo

  21. Your all the post is so interesting so when is the next post coming?work at home

  22. Sorry about your little fur baby. They work their way into our hearts. It's hard.

  23. Oh sweetie! Sending you as big of a hug as I can squeeze out. I know, it hurts. Ollie is so sweet and was blessed spending the time in your love :) XOXO, Kelly

  24. SO sorry to hear this news Kit. This is a very difficult time for you. Will keep you in my thoughts!
    Take care,

  25. Comme elle est belle ! mais ne pleures pas, elle s'est envolée au paradis des animaux et je suis sûre qu'elle est toujours près de toi même si tu ne l'a voie plus...
    De gros bisous

  26. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  27. So sad for you. We lost Chrissie, our little white poodle, who was 18 yrs old. That was 5 years ago and there is still a hole in our hearts. Just remember the love Ollie gave you so unconditionally and it will warm your heart.

  28. Que pena!!!! Nos apegamos demais aos nossos amiguinhos é difícil quando eles partem.
    Receba meu carinho.

  29. Je suis desolee de lire la perte de votre chien, ces ont des moments bien difficiles.

  30. Oh Kit ... I am so sorry for you at such sad news. My sincerest wishes go to you and your family.
    hugs Frances

  31. I'm so sorry to hear that. We have a little schnauzer much loved by everyone in the family, most especially the small kids. I just ache inside knowing that something like this can always happen. Sending positive vibes your way and hoping that you feel better soon.

  32. Sorry to hear about little Olie.
    I know they become part of our family and it's very hard to say goodbye.
    Hope you feel better soon.

  33. So very sad for your loss. My Cali died last year eating charcoal ...It is so hard to loose a pet. A few months ago my husband and sons brought home two mutts from the local pound....the heart is so expandable as I fell in love with these two unwanted dogs. I still miss my Cali though.....

  34. So sorry to hear of your loss- I just came back from France and did not do much blog reading if any.) I lost a dog many years ago from an accident and I still remember how much it hurt and how much I loved and missed my Puck. Courage mon amie.

  35. Caleb John24 August, 2010

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  36. Caleb John24 August, 2010

    Oh, sorry. Disregard the first comment. thank you.

    btw, i'm really sorry to hear of your loss..

  37. My Dear Sweet Friends, I'm so sorry to hear about Ollie. I was so fond of his effervescent personality. He was a little angel. I so enjoyed the time I was able to spend with all of you! I do know how you feel, it is one of the most difficult things for some people to understand, unless they have had the same experience. You know, I lost my little Yorkie a few years ago. He was with me for 15 years, during good times, and bad. I still miss him. I know you and Chris, will feel the same about Ollie, now and for years. That kind of unconditional love is hard to forget, and that is what he was, a big ball of unconditional love... Sorry I have been so delinquent in my following the blog, but as you know I have a full plate at the time... If you could call it that. Tell Chris I said hello, I know how much he adored Ollie. I felt and feel, the pain you feel. JC

  38. Ohhh I am so very sorry for you, darling. We know how it feels too. These wonderful dogs are the most guileless creatures on our planet and love us so very much. Sending love...

  39. I've just discovered your lovely blog tonight and wanted to tell you how sorry I am at your loss. We lost our dear old dog in May at age 14. She had been found battered and abandoned on the highway as a puppy and we took her home. It's truly the loss of a family member. You won't exactly "get over it", rather the pain will fade. But the loving memories will last forever. <3

  40. Dear Everyone, I cannot thank you enough for your very kind remarks; it has made so much difference to read each message of condolence, understanding and hope.

    It's now over two weeks ago we lost Ollie and I'm beginning to feel some peace again. He was so adorable and loveable, and I will never, ever forget his ebullient spirit and funny, happy ways!

    xoxo with a grateful heart,


  41. I love a little doggie too, actually two of them.
    Heartbreaking, hope you are well
    I worry as I have not heard from you...


I would love to hear what you think! merci!